Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 31

Mix and Match
Source Institutions
In this activity (7th activity on the page), learners use their sense of hearing to find a "sound match." Learners shake containers filled with items like dry seeds, sand, beans, etc.

The Rumblin' Road: Determining distance to a Thunderstorm
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how to determine the distance to a lightning strike or nearby thunderstorm.

The Straw Flute
Source Institutions
In this is activity about sound and vibration, learners create their own 'flutes' with drinking straws, then investigate how changing the length of the straw affects the sounds that are produced.

In the Middle
Source Institutions
In this game-like activity (5th activity on the page), learners explore their auditory acuity as well as the importance of having two ears.

Super Sounding Drum
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct drums out of everyday containers (like bowls or food containers) and shrink wrap. Learners use a hair dryer to affix and tighten the shrink wrap to the container.

Straw Oboe: Two lips make sound
Source Institutions
Oboes's unique sound originates from the two small reeds a musician blows into. Make your own double reed instrument out of straw!

Mystery Noises
Source Institutions
In this game (4th activity on the page) about hearing, learners test their ability to identify various sounds without looking.

Designer Ears: Make “better” ears!
Source Institutions
Find out what it would be like to have ears shaped differently from your own! Design and make different animal ears then try them out.

Exploring With Sound
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use sound to figure out, or infer, the position of objects. Learners create a maze inside a shoebox with blocks of wood.

Stereo Hanger
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate sound wave science, in stereo! Learners construct a "stereo" out of a metal coat hanger and piece of string to explore sound vibrations.

Build a Soundscape
Source Institutions
This is a virtual representation of a sound mixer containing pre-looped sounds of animal, insect, and environmental noises.

Musical Coat Hangers
Source Institutions
Discover how sound travels and what materials make better sound conductors. Can you hear better with your fingers in your ears? Find out with a coat hanger and some string!

Pipes of Pan
Source Institutions
Create an instrument that you don't play--you just listen to it through tubes of various lengths.

Fun with Flatware: Little Experiments to Try at the Dinner Table
Source Institutions
This is a series of three quick science activities to do with a spoon, knife, and fork. In the first two activities, learners use the flatware to explore optics, mirrors, reflection, and distortion.

Sound Mixer: A Multi-track Mixer of Animal Sounds
Source Institutions
This is a virtual representation of a sound mixer containing pre-looped sounds of animal, insect, and environmental noises.

Organ Pipe: Get Bach to the fundamentals
Source Institutions
If you got a big graduated or clear cylinder, water, a pipe, and a tuning fork, you've got a sound learning opportunity! Learn about resonance with this Exploratorium Science Snack.

Conversation Piece
Source Institutions
Focus sound through a balloon! In this Exploratorium activity, you'll use dry ice to create a balloon that's a sound lens.

Catch the (Sound) Wave!
Source Institutions
See and hear how sound waves travel through different types of materials. Extend the experiment online and learn how you can "see" with sound waves using ultrasound.

Model Eardrum
Source Institutions
In this activity (last activity on the page), learners make a model of the eardrum (also called the "tympanic membrane") and see how sound travels through the air.

Kitchen Jamboree
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners observe, explore and investigate vibrating instruments in everyday places and create music in unique ways.