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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10

Extreme Sounds
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 2 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Extreme Sounds) is a full inquiry investigation into sound.

Super Sounding Drum
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct drums out of everyday containers (like bowls or food containers) and shrink wrap. Learners use a hair dryer to affix and tighten the shrink wrap to the container.

Lagging Sound
Source Institutions
In this group activity, learners see and hear the speed of sound. A learner designated the "gonger" hits a gong, once every second, as the rest of the group watches and listens from a distance.

Our Sense of Hearing
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the sense of hearing and plan and conduct their own experiments.

Double Dutch Distractions
Source Institutions
This activity (page 2 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Double Dutch) is a full inquiry investigation into whether hearing or seeing has a bigger effect on jump rope performance.

Music and Sound
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 2 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Music and Sound) is a full inquiry investigation into sound frequency.

Right Ear/Left Ear
Source Institutions
In this activity (4th on the page), learners conduct a series of tests to find out which of their ears is more dominant.

A Penny Saved is a Penny Heard
Source Institutions
In this activity (11th activity on the page), learners use pennies to test their hearing acuity.

Light and Sound
Source Institutions
In this four-part activity, learners explore light and sound through a variety of hands-on investigations.

Doppler Effect
Source Institutions
Sound changes pitch relative to how you or the source of the sound is moving. Use this simple activity developed by the Exploratorium to experience the Doppler Effect yourself!