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Showing results 21 to 29 of 29

Mini Vortex
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will build an air cannon out of simple materials you can find around the house. Although air is invisible to the eye, it is not by any means empty space!

Make a Salt Volcano (Lava Lite)
Source Institutions
This activity about density provides instructions for making a miniature "lava lite" with just salt, oil, water, and food coloring.

Water, Water Everywhere
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners estimate how much water they think can be found in various locations on the Earth in all its states (solid, liquid, and gas) to discover the different water ratios in the Ea

Changing the Density of a Liquid: Heating and Cooling
Source Institutions
Learners investigate how the temperature of water affects its density.

Changing the Density of an Object: Adding Material
Source Institutions
Learners see that a can of regular cola sinks while a can of diet cola floats. As a demonstration, bubble wrap is taped to the can of regular cola to make it float.

Make a Model of a Home Made From Shipping Containers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners watch a video to learn about a couple who built a home out of shipping containers in Brooklyn, New York.

Measuring with Flubber
Source Institutions
In this activity learners will measure and manipulate flubber using different tools. Learners will explore volume and make observations about texture and shapes.

Subtracta's Dog
Source Institutions
In this math activity related to volume, learners use problem solving skills to calculate and build a model house for Minus the dog.

Turning the Air Upside Down: Spinning Snakes
Learners color and cut out a spiral-shaped snake. When they hang their snake over a radiator, the snake spins.