Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 27

Comparing the Density of an Object to the Density of Water
Source Institutions
Learners compare the weight of equal volumes of wax, water, and clay. Learners discover that since the wax weighs less than an equal volume of water, it is less dense than water and will float.

Diet Light
Source Institutions
In this quick activity, learners observe how the added sugar in a can of soda affects its density and thus, its ability to float in water.

Cartesian Diver
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners observe the effects of density and pressure. A "diver" constructed out of a piece of straw and Blu-Tack will bob inside a bottle filled with water.

A Cubic Foot Per Second
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners measure and calculate the amount of cubic feet various containers contain. Next, learners investigate cubic feet per second (cps), by carrying jugs in one second.

Proportionality: The X-Plane Generation
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a 1:140 "scale model" of NASA's X-33 Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) Technology Demonstrator, and investigate how the model dimensions compare to the real vehicle.
Big and Little Cups
Source Institutions
In this indoor or outdoor water activity, learners pour water from small cups to large cups and containers. In doing so, they discover water takes the shape of its container.

How Big is Small
Source Institutions
In this classic hands-on activity, learners estimate the length of a molecule by floating a fatty acid (oleic acid) on water.

Percentage of Oxygen in the Air
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners calculate the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere by using steel wool's ability to rust.

What Causes Pressure?
Source Institutions
In this kinesthetic activity that demonstrates pressure, learners act as air molecules in a "container" as defined by a rope.

Aesop's Arithmetic
Source Institutions
In this activity (located on page 9 of the PDF), learners are introduced to Aesop's fable, "The Crow and the Pitcher." In the story, a clever crow drops pebbles into a pitcher to cause the water level

Mass, Area, Volume
Source Institutions
In this activity (page 18 of PDF), learners will measure the volume of impact craters created by projectiles of different masses.

Turning the Air Upside Down: Convection Current Model
Learners see convection currents in action in this highly visual demonstration. Sealed bags of colored hot or cold water are immersed in tanks of water.

Going Green
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners conduct a waste audit and use their findings to implement a plan for reducing trash.

Tomb Mapping
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners examine the culture and history of the tomb site.

Mold Mole Molds
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make different shapes that hold exactly one mole of gas (air).

What's So Special about Water: Solubility and Density
Source Institutions
In this activity about water solubility and density, learners use critical thinking skills to determine why water can dissolve some things and not others.

Sizing Up Temperature
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore Charles' Law in a syringe.

Size, Scale and Models
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners take measurements and create charts to learn about the size of dinosaurs and their relative scale to humans.

Breathing Machine
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners work in teams to construct human lung models from small plastic beverage bottles and balloons.

Lifting Lemon
Source Institutions
In this physics demonstration, learners will be surprised when a lemon slice appears to magically levitate within a pint glass.