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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10

Whose Fault Is It?
Source Institutions
In this seismic simulation, learners play a "who-dunnit" game to explore earthquakes.
Let's Count Humpback Whales: Environmental Effects on Population
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use whale count data from the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary to compare whale counts in relation to environmental factors.
Coastal Erosion: Where's the Beach?
Source Institutions
Learners use beach profile data from a local beach or online data from Ocean City, Maryland to investigate coastal erosion and sediment transport.
Sea State: Forecast Conditions at Sea
Source Institutions
In this oceanography and data collection activity, learners cast real time sea state conditions using buoys from NOAA's National Data Buoy Center.

Waves and Tides
Source Institutions
In this 7-10 day investigation, learners develop an understanding of waves and tides and their motion through discussion, demonstration, and hands-on activities.

Seas in Motion
Source Institutions
In this outdoor, beach activity, learners use tennis balls, water balloons and other simple devices to investigate the movement of waves and currents off a sandy beach.

Catch a Wave: How Waves are Formed
Source Institutions
In this three-part activity, learners explore how waves are formed and why some waves are bigger than others. First, learners observe waves of water in a pan generated by an electric fan.

Light and Sound
Source Institutions
In this four-part activity, learners explore light and sound through a variety of hands-on investigations.

The Wave
Source Institutions
In this multi-step experiment (page 4 of pdf), learners study tide pools, and then drop a "wave" (a 4-pound bag of beans or birdseed) on a shell to mimic the force of crashing surf on tide pool animal

Chirping Bird
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a cuica or chirping bird using straw, string, and a bottle cap. Use this activity to explore the interplay of motion and sound.