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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30

Surface Tension Icebreaker
Source Institutions
This is a quick activity (located on page 2 of the PDF under Nasturtium Leaves Activity) about surface tension.

Super Spinner
Source Institutions
In this activity (page 1 of PDF under SciGirls Activity: Pet Handedness), learners will construct a simple spinning top out of a circle of construction paper, a film canister lid, and a bamboo skewer.

Chew that Gum
Source Institutions
In this quick activity (page 1 of PDF under SciGirls Activity: Exercise and Memory), learners will investigate what happens to bubble gum when it is chewed for 5-10 minutes.

Free Fall
Source Institutions
In this quick activity (page 1 of PDF under SciGirls Activity: Hockey), learners will use a simple physics of motion and gravity demonstration to test their predicting skills.

Screaming Balloon
Source Institutions
In this quick activity (page 1 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Extreme Sounds) about sound vibrations, learners will investigate which small objects, such as coins, hex nuts, or marbles, produce t

Iridescent Art
Source Institutions
This is a quick activity (on page 2 of the PDF under Butterfly Wings Activity) that illustrates how nanoscale structures, so small they're practically invisible, can produce visible/colorful effects.

Beam Me Up!
Source Institutions
This is a quick activity (on page 2 of the PDF under Stained Glass Activity) about the "Tyndall effect," the scattering of visible light when it hits very small dispersed particles.

Strengthen a Paper Bridge
Source Institutions
In this quick activity (page 1 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Tug O' War), learners will test how many pennies a flat paper index card bridging the gap between two stacks of books is able to supp

Testing Falling Peanut Butter Sandwich Myth
Source Institutions
In this activity related to rotational inertia (page 1 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Microgravity), learners will use a bit of scientific experimenting to test if open-faced peanut butter sandwi

Twirling Rope Frequency
Source Institutions
In this activity (page 1 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Double Dutch), learners will stand twelve feet apart swinging a rope at the slowest tempo possible while someone uses a stopwatch to record

Shoe Dichotomous Key
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 2 of the PDF under GPS: Cactus Activity), learners will develop their own version of a tool used by biologists, a dichotomous key, by collecting all their left shoes.

Moving Molecules!
Source Institutions
In this activity about molecular diffusion (located on page 2 of the PDF under Nanosilver Activity), learners will make predictions and move molecules of iodine through a seemingly solid plastic sandw

Drinking Straw Oboe
Source Institutions
In this quick activity (page 1 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Music and Sound), learners will construct an oboe-like instrument from a plastic drinking straw by cutting the end to split it into t

Wetland Filter Model
Source Institutions
In this quick activity (located on page 2 of the PDF under GPS Wetlands Activity), learners will model how wetlands act as natural filters for the environment.

Wild or Domestic Animal Game
Source Institutions
In this quick activity (page 2 of PDF), learners will play a game using their observation and listening skills, interpreting clues from each other to deduce their secret animal identity.

Convection Demonstration
Source Institutions
In this quick activity (located on page 2 of the PDF under GPS: Balloon Fiesta Activity), learners will see the effects of convection and understand what makes hot air balloons rise.

Moving Model Glacier
Source Institutions
In this goopy activity (page 2 of PDF under GPS: Glaciers Activity), learners will model glacial movement with “gak,” a white glue and liquid starch mixture.

Size and Scale: Probing and Predicting
Source Institutions
In this quick activity about predicting (located on page 2 of the PDF under Where's Nano?

Penny Drop
Source Institutions
In this quick activity about the properties of water (page 1 of PDF under SciGirls Activity: Malformed Frogs), learners will use an eyedropper to slowly place one drop of water at a time onto a penny,

Make a Human Scale Ladder
Source Institutions
In this quick activity about size and scale (on page 2 of the PDF under What's Nano?