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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16

Make Maracas
Source Institutions
Make a rattle-like musical instrument! Shake it, hit it, spin it any way you want to!

Make a Garbage Bag Kite
Source Institutions
Make a kite out of a garbage bag, shower curtain, painting tarp--anything light, thin, flexible and plastic!

Pop Bottle Whirligig
Source Institutions
Learn about friction and kinetic energy with this cool spinning toy.

Musical Sculpting Machine: Squeeze Play-Doh to Make Music
Source Institutions
Play-Doh is conductive! Use the semiconductive qualities of Play-Doh to make your own squeezable instrument. Pico Cricket is required.

Fruit Xylophone: Fruit Salad Instrument of the Future!
Source Institutions
This is a perfect summertime lunch activity! Pico Cricket is required (micro controller). First, get a bunch of cut up fruit, line them up, then plug a piece of fruit with a Pico Cricket sensor clip.

Pico Cricket Compass
Source Institutions
Learners can program a compass to draw a circle by itself using a Pico Cricket, some Legos, and lots of tape! Pico Cricket is required.

Sun Prints
Source Institutions
This activity uses a special paper that can create images with exposure to the Sun. Collect objects of different shapes and sizes and use them to make interesting patterns on your sun print.

Cactus Needle Phonograph
Source Institutions
Build a phonograph record player using a cactus needle, a record, LEGOs gear box, and a piece of paper! This activity uses a Pico Cricket to turn the motor.

Circuit Bending with Play-Doh
Source Institutions
Break open that used musical toy and squish some Play-Doh over the circuit boards, and you will hear some weird and distorted sounds the manufacturer never intended!

Painting a Picture with Air
Source Institutions
Create a painting by blowing air out of a straw. Push liquid acrylic paint around on some watercolor paper by aiming short bursts of air onto the paint puddle.

ANTacid: Indicator Paper on an Anthill
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make acid/base indicator paper, place the indicator paper on an anthill, disturb a bunch of ants, and then observe what happens!

Cup Draw (Low Tech)
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct drawing machines using a cup, some markers, and a battery pack. The markers act as "legs" for the machine, making a drawing that records as it moves.

Cup Draw
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct drawing machines using a cup, some markers, and a cricket to control the movement. A programmed LEGO RCX or Cricket is required for this high-tech version.

How to Make an Audio Tape Bow
Source Institutions
From this How To slide show, you create an Audio Tape Bow that can play distorted audio sounds by running it across a tape head.

Musical Gloves
Source Institutions
Put on a pair of gloves and be the conductor of your invisible orchestra!

Make Pan Pipes
Source Institutions
This is a simple activity for learners to create a traditional musical instrument. Pan Pipes have developed all over the world in different cultures, from South America to Greece and China.