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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

Imploding Pop Can
Source Institutions
In this dramatic activity/demonstration about phase change and condensation, learners place an aluminum can filled with about two tablespoons of water on a stove burner.

Do Cities Affect the Weather?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore clouds and how they form.

How can Clouds Help Keep the Air Warmer?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how air warms when it condenses water vapor or makes clouds.

How can You Demonstrate the Efficiency of Different Light Bulbs?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners actually feel the difference in energy required to light two different types of light bulbs: incandescent light and LEDs.

Does Air Weigh Anything?
Source Institutions
The demonstration/experiment provides quick proof that air has mass.

What is a “Convection Cell”?
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners can observe a number of small convection cells generated from a mixture of aluminum powder and silicon oil on a hot plate.

Fun with Flatware: Little Experiments to Try at the Dinner Table
Source Institutions
This is a series of three quick science activities to do with a spoon, knife, and fork. In the first two activities, learners use the flatware to explore optics, mirrors, reflection, and distortion.

Why do Raindrops Sometimes Land Gently and Sometimes Land with a Splat?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners examine raindrop bottles (prepared ahead of time) to observe in slow motion the behavior of falling droplets and explore concepts such as drag and terminal velocity.

Why is the Sky Purple?
Source Institutions
This simple hands-on activity demonstrates why the sky appears blue on a sunny day and red during sunrise and sunset.