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Showing results 1 to 20 of 25

Gravity in Action
Source Institutions
Explore the effects of gravity on a slowly falling object: a parachute you make out of plastic bags, string and stones.

Seeing 3D
Source Institutions
Create 3D glasses and use them to explore color, light and optics. Fool your brain into 'seeing' three dimensions on a flat surface!

The Straw Flute
Source Institutions
In this is activity about sound and vibration, learners create their own 'flutes' with drinking straws, then investigate how changing the length of the straw affects the sounds that are produced.

Carbon Sequestration
Source Institutions
In this inquiry-based lesson, learners measure the biomass of trees, calculate the carbon stored by the trees, and use this information to create recommendations about using trees for carbon sequestra

Great Balls of Goop
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners mix white craft glue and borax solution together to produce a surprising new material: GOOP!

DNA Detective
Source Institutions
This activity is about collecting and analyzing DNA as part of a criminal investigation.

Source Institutions
Build a catapult that transforms the potential energy of a twisted rubber band into kinetic energy. Experiment with design variations so that you can hit a target with a projectile.

Salt, Soil and Seeds
Source Institutions
Discover how the salt in soil affects plant growth with a few seeds, some cotton, and salt. In this hands-on activity, you will plant seeds in 2 different kinds of soil, containing more or less salt.

Hilarious Honker
Source Institutions
Make a hilarious honker! Fasten a piece of string through a hole in the end of a plastic cup and discover the hilarious sounds you can make.

Shrinky Dinks
Source Institutions
Heat makes some materials expand, and it makes others shrink.

Exploring With Sound
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use sound to figure out, or infer, the position of objects. Learners create a maze inside a shoebox with blocks of wood.

Rocket Pinwheel
Source Institutions
This is an activity about motion, power, air and Newton’s Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Musical Coat Hangers
Source Institutions
Discover how sound travels and what materials make better sound conductors. Can you hear better with your fingers in your ears? Find out with a coat hanger and some string!
Shadow Puppets
Source Institutions
If you have lights, cardboard, scissors, and some brass fasteners, you can make shadow puppets! Create a story-telling and design challenge for your learners with this simple and creative activity.

Source Institutions
This is a great activity for investigating the basics of lift and drag as they pertain to flight. Learners will discover how to avoid "taking a nosedive" by building their own paper airplane.

It's All In The Wrist
Source Institutions
This is an activity about circular motion. Learners will explore the laws of motion and force by observing circular motion.

Up and Over
Source Institutions
This is an activity about Newton's First Law of Motion - a body in motion tends to stay in motion, or a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.

Fun With Stress
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners complete simple exercises to investigate the relationship between force, area and pressure and their effects on materials.

Stadium Seat Science
Source Institutions
Take the two-straw challenge and discover how pressure affects vacuums! In this activity, learners experiment with drinking through one and two straws, comparing the amount of liquid they can drink.

Aluminum Boats
Source Institutions
Test the buoyancy of an aluminum foil boat and an aluminum foil ball. Why does the same material in different shapes sink or float?