Search Results
Showing results 181 to 200 of 242

Supermarket Science: The King Sooper Lab
Source Institutions
In this investigation, learners gather information on various food items during a field trip to a local grocery store.
Waves: An Alternative Energy Source
Source Institutions
In this data analysis and environmental science activity, learners evaluate the feasibility of wave energy as a practical alternative energy source using ocean observing system (OOS) buoys.
Filling the Time
Source Institutions
Build time sense into the schedule by asking learners to predict what can happen in a certain amount of time: We have 20 minutes before outdoor time. What can you get done?

AM in the PM
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will listen to as many radio stations as possible to discover that AM radio signals can travel many hundreds of miles at night.

Read With Your Fingers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners work in partners to create and exchange messages written in Braille. Learners use a Braille key and thumbtacks to write their messages in Braille.
Narrow it Down: Numbers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will ask yes-no questions to identify a secret number (similar to Twenty Questions). Combine logic and numbers in this game for all ages.

Mass of the Earth
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use basic measurements of the Earth and pieces of rock and iron to estimate the mass of the Earth.

Handy Measuring Ratio
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use their hands as tools for indirect measurement.

Spinning Cylinder: Make a triangle appear on a spinning wheel
Source Institutions
Spin a short piece of PVC pipe that's been marked up, and watch a triangle appear. Enjoy this optical illusion from the Exploratorium's Science Snack series.

Mission: Control!
Source Institutions
In this activity and game, learners will train to improve balance and spatial awareness by performing throwing and catching techniques on one foot.
Energy Audit
Source Institutions
In this lesson, learners will practice graphing and statistically analyzing data.

Vector Toy
Source Institutions
Walk a toy to the edge of its doom, maybe it'll fall off the edge of a table, but it will safely stop right before falling.

The Turing Test: Conversations with Computers
Source Institutions
This activity aims to stimulate discussion on the question of whether computers can exhibit “intelligence,” or are ever likely to do so in the future.

The Search for Secret Agents
Learners tour their school or home looking for sources of indoor air pollutants (IAPs).

Probability: Remove One
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners are given 15 chips and a number line labeled from 2-12.

Sharks: Taking a Bite Out of The Myth
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will explore trends in shark populations using shark landing data from the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Take Ten: Cleaning Up is Fun
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will make cleaning up more fun with predictions and counting. Estimate how many things are on the floor (or table), then count as they are picked up.

Population Study Game: Oh, Deer!
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners model a population of deer and see how the number of deer changes over time.

Slowing the Flow
Source Institutions
In this experiment, pairs of learners explore how cold water affects circulation. The mammalian diving reflex (MDR) slows circulation when the body is exposed to cold water.
Mix & Match Estimation
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use their estimation skills to match the unmarked containers to their amounts.