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Showing results 1 to 20 of 38

Measuring Your Breathing Frequency at Rest
Source Institutions
In this activity about the brain and sleep (on page 138 of the PDF), learners measure their resting breathing rates. Learners will discover that breathing frequencies vary amongst individuals.
Soda Pop Can Hero Engine
Source Institutions
In this demonstration/activity, water streaming through holes in the bottom of a suspended soda pop can causes the can to rotate.

Launch It
Add to list DetailsIn this design challenge activity, learners use a balloon and other simple materials to design an air-powered rocket that can hit a distant target.

Mold Growth
Source Institutions
In this activity learners observe mold growth on different types of bread by measuring and recording the growth rate.

Sled Kite
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a sled kite that models a type of airfoil called a parawing.

Space Weather Action Center
Source Institutions
In this interdisciplinary activity, learners create a Space Weather Action Center (SWAC) to monitor solar storms and develop real SWAC news reports.

Ripening of Fruits and Vegetables
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners test the rate of ripening fruit and vegetables and use a chemical to inhibit the ripening process.

Jump for the Moon
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will train to increase bone strength and to improve heart and other muscle endurance by performing jump training with a rope, both while stationary and moving.

I Want to Hold Your Hand
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct a robot-like hand to demonstrate how data is collected when using robotic technology.

Rocket Pinwheel
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use simple materials to construct a balloon-powered pinwheel. The pinwheel is a great way to investigate Newton's Third Law of Motion.

Transit Tracks
Source Institutions
In this space science activity, learners explore transits and the conditions when a transit may be seen.

Space Rocks!: A Meteorite Game
Source Institutions
In this board game, learners explore the origins of meteors, meteoroids, and meteorites as well as the their characteristics and importance. They also discover some misconceptions about meteors.

Make a Comet on a Stick
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners craft their own model of a comet on a stick to make it fly around the room.

Experiencing Parallax With Your Thumb
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate parallax, a method used to measure distances to stars and planets in the solar system.

Standing in the Shadow of Earth
Source Institutions
This fun and simple hands-on astronomy activity demonstrates the shadow of the Earth as it rises as a dark blue shadow above the eastern horizon.

Base Station Walk-Back
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will train to improve lung, heart, and other muscle endurance as they walk a progressive, measured distance.

Ancient Observatories: Timeless Knowledge Activities
Source Institutions
This lesson plan provides learners with two activities to explore the connections between events in their lives and the seasons of the year.

Observing the Moon
Source Institutions
Use this Moon Map Guide to help learners identify features on the Moon, while looking through a telescope.

Bernoulli and More Bernoulli
Source Institutions
This lesson guide includes six simple and quick activities to help learners better understand Bernoulli's Principle.

Buzz Lightyear Connect It!: Flight Path Activity
Source Institutions
In this activity, "space cadets" (learners) use writing and sequencing skills in addition to directional words/ordered pairs to guide Buzz Lightyear (from the movie "Toy Story") through a grid to reac