Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 69

Attract a Fish
Source Institutions
This outdoor activity/field trip requires a place where minnows swim, such as a local pond or brook.
What Do Birds Do?
Source Institutions
This activity (located on page 3 of the PDF under GPS: Cave Swallows Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into bird behaviors.

Take a Hike!: A Family Forest Walk
Source Institutions
In this family or group inquiry activity, learners use their senses to explore a local forest or woodland.

Flocking for Food
Source Institutions
In this outdoor beach activity, learners use a variety of "beaks" (such as trowels, spoons or sticks) to hunt for organisms that shore birds might eat.

Who Goes There?
Source Institutions
In this outdoor, night activity, learners track nocturnal animals' footprints, droppings and other signs of their presence.

Extreme Sounds
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 2 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Extreme Sounds) is a full inquiry investigation into sound.

Crawdad Grab
Source Institutions
In this outdoor, freshwater activity, learners explore the behavior and food preferences of crawdads (or crabs) by "fishing" for them with various baits.

Keeping a Field Journal
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners start their own field journal to better understand the wildlife in their area.

Rock Pioneers
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity/field trip, learners investigate organisms that live along the ocean's rocky coast.

Cardiac Hill
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity linking human health to the environment, learners use their pulse rates as a measure of the effort expended in walking on different slopes.

Mapping Mockingbirds
Source Institutions
This lesson plan revolves around studying the speciation of the Galápagos mockingbirds, which are on display at the California Academy of Sciences.

Desert Water Keepers
Source Institutions
In this outdoor, sunny day activity, learners experiment with paper leaf models to discover how some desert plants conserve water.

Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity and observation game, learners hunt for a variety of textures, colors, odors and evidence of organisms in the activity site.

Scavenger Hunt
Source Institutions
An outdoor scavenger hunt helps learners consider the theme of "What Is Life?" Learners explore what living organisms are, including how organisms meet basic needs of food, shelter and water to surviv

LEGO® Chemical Reactions
Source Institutions
This activity uses LEGO® bricks to represent atoms bonding into molecules and crystals. The lesson plan is for a 2.5 hour workshop (or four 45-minute classes).

Building Bingo
Source Institutions
In this on site "field trip" activity (located on pages 6-9 of PDF), learners get hands-on experience identifying building materials by playing "Building Bingo".

Water Striders
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity/field trip, learners catch and observe water striders to explore their movement and feeding behaviors.

A Scientific Cleanup
Source Institutions
This is a comprehensive lesson plan on page 85 for a group cleanup trip to a local beach, lake or stream. Learners keep track of the types and amounts of trash picked up and analyze this information.

Tabletop Biosphere
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a sealed, mini ecosystem that supplies freshwater shrimp with food, oxygen, and waste processing for at least three months.

Biodiversity of Feet
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 3 of the PDF under GPS: Biodiversity Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into biodiversity.