Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 113

Modeling Day and Night
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 1 of the PDF), learners make a "mini-globe" to investigate the causes of day and night on our planet.

The Geophysical Light/Dark Cycle
Source Institutions
This is an activity (located on page 131 of the PDF) related to sleep and circadian rhythms as well as space travel.

Meteoroids and the Craters They Make
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the formation of craters. Learners will examine how the size, angle and speed of a meteorite's impact affects the properties of craters.

Source Institutions
In this geology activity, learners create a model using a mixture of salt and sand inside a CD case. When the case is tilted or inverted, the mixture dramatically sorts into a layered pattern.

Skin Deep
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how to protect their skin while applying pesticides to plants.

Public Key Encryption: Kid Krypto
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners conduct a simulation exercise related to public key encryption and try to intercept a message sent between two learners.
Mercury in the Environment
Source Institutions
In this environmental science lesson, learners will examine the dangers of mercury and how humans contribute to growing mercury emissions on Earth.

Disease Detective
Source Institutions
This activity (on pages 35-43) lets learners analyze a "herd of elk" to detect the spread of a bacterial disease called brucellosis.

Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners adjust mountain snowfall and temperature to see how glaciers grow and shrink. They will use scientific tools to measure thickness, velocity and glacial budget.

The Rumblin' Road: Determining distance to a Thunderstorm
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how to determine the distance to a lightning strike or nearby thunderstorm.

Hold a Hill
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners investigate the relationship between the slope of a trail and soil erosion.

Adherence to HIV Treatment
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners simulate taking HIV antiretroviral drugs by using Tic Tac mints and Kool-Aid packets.

Bean Bugs
Source Institutions
In this outdoor biology and math activity, learners estimate the size of a population of organisms too numerous to count.

Water Clean-up
Source Institutions
This is an activity (located on page 3 of the PDF under Water Clean-up Activity) about the use of reduction agents to decontaminate ground water.

Flocking for Food
Source Institutions
In this outdoor beach activity, learners use a variety of "beaks" (such as trowels, spoons or sticks) to hunt for organisms that shore birds might eat.

I Like to Move-It
Source Institutions
This is an activity which will allow learners to gain an understanding of lemur behavior through observation and role play.

Underwater ROV
Source Institutions
In this online Flash game, learners will explore a coral reef using an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV).

Landing the Rover
Source Institutions
In this team design challenge (page 19-24 of PDF), learners "land" a model Lunar Rover in a model Landing Pod (both previously built in activities #3 and #4 in PDF).

Be a Scanning Probe Microscope
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM) and then work in teams using a pencil to explore and identify the shape of objects they cannot see, just as SPMs do at the nano

Source Institutions
This is an activity about the adaptations that allow the Aye-aye to survive in its habitat. Learners will explore how the Aye-aye collects food and how this is influenced by their specialized finger.