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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20

Criminal Info
Source Institutions
In this fun math activity (page 5 of the pdf), learners will help a secret agent crack a case by solving math problems.

A Swell Activity with Beans
Source Institutions
In this combination chemistry and physics activity, learners explore water absorption in dried beans or peas and learn how this affects their physical properties.

Find the Simple Machines
Source Institutions
This is a web activity about simple machines. Learners will explore a lawn mower and identify six different simple machines which work together to help make our lives easier.

Source Institutions
In this health activity (page 5 of the PDF), learners will explore a unique connection betweeen the bones of the body.

In Proportion
Source Institutions
Through this nutrition activity (page 5 of the PDF), learners will understand—and probably be surprised by—how big serving sizes of various foods should be.

Simple Machines
Source Institutions
This is an online activity about simple machines. Learners will try their hand at putting these amazing devices to work. They will use several simple machines to help "build" a tree house.

Create a Food Diary
Source Institutions
In this nutrition activity (page 3 of the PDF), learners will record their food consumption for one day, and then evaluate how their actual diet matched up with the recommended diet.
Secret Message
Source Institutions
In this fun math activity (page 1 of the pdf), learners exercise the creative part of their brain by trying to describe a number without mentioning the actual number (for instance, the number 12 could

Applying Math to Astronomy
Source Institutions
In this mathematics activity (page 4 of the PDF), learners will explore the relationship between the diameter and circumference of an object.

Are We Almost There?
Source Institutions
In this mathematics activity, learners use a map to determine the coordinates of and distance between two locations--both by road and "as the crow flies".

Paper Cup Anemometer
Source Institutions
In this meteorological activity, learners get to build their very own anemometer (instrument for measuring wind speed) using a paper cup.

Weight For It!
Source Institutions
In this activity about weights and balances, learners create their own balance using paper cups. Then, learners explore how to compare the relative mass of objects.

Breathing Yeasties
Source Institutions
In this life science activity (page 8 of the PDF), learners explore the carbon cycle by mixing yeast, sugar and water.

Planet Surfing
Source Institutions
In this astronomy activity (page 6 of the PDF), learners will compare and contrast two planets in the solar system using data obtained from the internet.

Solar System Bead Distance
Source Institutions
In this astronomy activity, learners create a model of the solar system using beads and string.

Strange Soap
Source Institutions
In this physics activity, learners experiment with soap bubbles to see what variables affect their size. They explore how soap film and bubbles always seek the smallest surface area possible.

Backyard Graphing
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners will create a scale diagram of their backyard or other outdoor area on graph paper.

Balancing Act
Source Institutions
In this physics activity (page 6 of the PDF), learners will build a class 1 lever and hypothesize and test the distances two objects need to be placed from the fulcrum in order to balance.

Stop: Practice Stopping at Vehicle Intersections
Source Institutions
This is an online game about stopping distance. Learners choose one of three vehicles and one of three speeds.

Push: Water Ski Over the Sharks
Source Institutions
This is an online activity about acceleration. Learners will choose a speed and an angle in order to help a water-skier named Fonzie use a ramp to clear a shark.