Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 52

Measuring Your Breathing Frequency at Rest
Source Institutions
In this activity about the brain and sleep (on page 138 of the PDF), learners measure their resting breathing rates. Learners will discover that breathing frequencies vary amongst individuals.

Landing the Rover
Source Institutions
In this team design challenge (page 19-24 of PDF), learners "land" a model Lunar Rover in a model Landing Pod (both previously built in activities #3 and #4 in PDF).

Mold Growth
Source Institutions
In this activity learners observe mold growth on different types of bread by measuring and recording the growth rate.

Sled Kite
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a sled kite that models a type of airfoil called a parawing.

How Quick Are Your Responses?
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 134 of the PDF), learners explore reaction time.

Proportionality: The X-Plane Generation
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a 1:140 "scale model" of NASA's X-33 Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) Technology Demonstrator, and investigate how the model dimensions compare to the real vehicle.

Living Bones, Strong Bones
Source Institutions
In this activity about engineering, nutrition, and physical activity, learners design and build a healthy bone model of a space explorer which is strong enough to withstand increasing amounts of weigh

Geometry and Algebra: The Future Flight Equation
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how NASA engineers develop experimental aircraft.

Design a Lunar Rover!
Source Institutions
In this team design challenge (page 2-10 of PDF), learners design and build a model of a Lunar Transport Rover that will carry equipment and people on the surface of the Moon.

Ripening of Fruits and Vegetables
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners test the rate of ripening fruit and vegetables and use a chemical to inhibit the ripening process.

Get a Leg Up
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners experiment and collect data during a simulation of the fluid shifts experienced by astronauts' bodies in microgravity.

Paint by the Numbers
Source Institutions
In this pencil and paper activity, learners work in pairs and simulate how astronomical spacecraft and computers create images of objects in space.

Design a Landing Pod!
Source Institutions
In this team design challenge (page 11-18 of PDF), learners design and build a Landing Pod for a model Lunar Rover (previously built in activity on page 1-10 of PDF).

Jump for the Moon
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will train to increase bone strength and to improve heart and other muscle endurance by performing jump training with a rope, both while stationary and moving.

Make a Balloon-powered Nanorover
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a nanorover model using styrofoam meat trays and a balloon.

My Angle on Cooling: Effects of Distance and Inclination
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that one way to cool an object in the presence of a heat source is to increase the distance from it or change the angle at which it is faced.

I Want to Hold Your Hand
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct a robot-like hand to demonstrate how data is collected when using robotic technology.

Human-powered Orrery
Source Institutions
In this space science activity, learners work together to create a human-powered orrery to model the movements of the four inner planets.

Transit Tracks
Source Institutions
In this space science activity, learners explore transits and the conditions when a transit may be seen.

LEGO Orrery
Source Institutions
Use this model to demonstrate the goal of NASA's Kepler Mission: to find extrasolar planets through the transit method.