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Showing results 1 to 20 of 93

Sound Charades
Source Institutions
In this game, learners create flash cards with an image on one side (of an animal, for example) and the sound that animal makes on the other.

Kinetic Sculpture: Program the Pico Cricket to Make Your Art Light Up or Spin
Source Institutions
Use a Pico Cricket (micro-controller) to animate your art! You can program a Pico Cricket to make your art spin, light up, or make music.

Make Maracas
Source Institutions
Make a rattle-like musical instrument! Shake it, hit it, spin it any way you want to!

Paper Animals
Source Institutions
This resource contains ideas and brief instructions on how to build animals out of construction paper and other simple materials.

DNA Modeling Activity
Source Institutions
Using pipe cleaners, straws, and beads, learners explore the building blocks of life by creating their own model of DNA.

Pyramids and Triangles
Source Institutions
Straws and pipe cleaners are terrific materials for building models of pyramids and cubes.

Spider Glider
Source Institutions
In this fun activity about spiders, learners build and design a spider from cardstock, straw, string, and pipe cleaners.

Make a Garbage Bag Kite
Source Institutions
Make a kite out of a garbage bag, shower curtain, painting tarp--anything light, thin, flexible and plastic!

Giant Chromosomes: Fruit Fly DNA and You
Source Institutions
Many of the genetic sequences found in the fruit fly genome are similar to those found in humans.

Smart Domino Tricks
Source Institutions
In this activity, you take regular dominoes, and turn them into conductive switches that can turn on a LEGO RCX block or Pico Cricket (micro controller). LEGO RCX block or Pico Cricket is required.

Pop Bottle Whirligig
Source Institutions
Learn about friction and kinetic energy with this cool spinning toy.

NEWspaper: Make Your Own Paper
Source Institutions
Learners make their own paper using old newspaper. Learners can make their paper colorful by adding construction paper.

Audio Boggle: Make a Sound Track
Source Institutions
Audio Boggle is an activity that lets you listen to a track (that you make yourself) and see what you can hear!

Musical Sculpting Machine: Squeeze Play-Doh to Make Music
Source Institutions
Play-Doh is conductive! Use the semiconductive qualities of Play-Doh to make your own squeezable instrument. Pico Cricket is required.

Fruit Xylophone: Fruit Salad Instrument of the Future!
Source Institutions
This is a perfect summertime lunch activity! Pico Cricket is required (micro controller). First, get a bunch of cut up fruit, line them up, then plug a piece of fruit with a Pico Cricket sensor clip.

Interactive Pencil Drawings: Drawings That Tell a Story!
Source Institutions
Margaret Pezalla-Granlund, a Minnesota artist, came up with this really fun and surprising activity using graphite from a pencil, connected with a Pico Cricket to tell a story: "The first time I saw s

Sound Bingo
Source Institutions
This game is like regular bingo, except the clues are sounds.

Pico Cricket Compass
Source Institutions
Learners can program a compass to draw a circle by itself using a Pico Cricket, some Legos, and lots of tape! Pico Cricket is required.

Build a Bell Bracelet
Source Institutions
Learners make bell bracelets, place them on their wrists or ankles, and then dance to the rhythms and sounds the bells make. Many cultures use ankle or wrist bells to make music during dancing.

Battle the Baby!
Source Institutions
In this interactive game, learners compare their music-listening skills with that of a three-month-old baby.