Search Results
Showing results 21 to 40 of 73

Tactile Mazes
Source Institutions
In this activity (15th activity on the page) about the sense of touch, learners use glue and cardboard to construct a maze they use with their eyes closed.

Where Was That?
Source Institutions
In this activity (9th activity on the page), learners work in pairs to see how their perception of touch differs from reality.

Our Sense of Touch: Two-Point Discrimination
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the touch sensory system and discover how to plan and carry out their own experiments.

Become a Neurologist: Detective Threshold
Source Institutions
In this neuroscience activity (4th activity on the page), learners make their own set of Von Frey hairs to test detection thresholds.

Finger Reading
Source Institutions
In this activity (10th activity on the page) about the sense of touch, learners make Braille letters out of cork or cardboard and map pins.

The Model Neuron
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a model of a neuron by using colored clay or play dough. Learners use diagrams to build the model and then label the parts on a piece of paper.

Our Sense of Sight: Eye Anatomy and Function
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the sense of sight and develop and conduct their own experiments.

Smell Detective
Source Institutions
In this activity about olfaction (8th activity on the page), learners smell 10 different items with different odors. Then they try to identify the smells when they are mixed together.

Tasty Buds
Source Institutions
In this activity (1st activity on the page), learners explore their sense of taste and the structure of the tongue by taste-testing various foods.

Tactile Double Trouble
Source Institutions
In this activity (11th activity on the page), learners use their sense of touch to identify matching pairs of objects hidden in bags. Learners can also play this game with partners.

Half Full or Half Empty
Source Institutions
In this activity (12th activity on the page), learners conduct an experiment to demonstrate how muscles are constantly feeding information to the brain about what they are doing.

Active Touch
Source Institutions
In this activity (14th activity on the page) about the sense of touch, learners examine if it is easier or harder to identify an object if they move their hands over it.

No Saliva, No Taste?
Source Institutions
In this activity (4th activity on the page), learners test to see if saliva is necessary for food to have taste.

Color Spy
Source Institutions
In this activity (16th on the page), learners play a variation of the "I Spy" game to explore color. Learners work in teams with each team assigned a color.

X-Ray Vision?
Source Institutions
In this activity (13th on the page), learners complete a simple illusion trick to see through their own hand.

The Nose Knows
Source Institutions
In this activity (2nd activity on the page), learners explore how the nose is responsible for part of the flavor we taste in food.

Make Your Own Perfume
Source Institutions
In this activity about olfaction (7th activity on the page), learners use natural ingredients to concoct their own perfume.

Taste Match Game
Source Institutions
In this activity (3rd activity on the page), learners taste test different foods and categorize them as sweet, bitter, sour, or salty. Learners compare their results with the group.

Touch Boards
Source Institutions
Use this activity (13th activity on the page) to introduce learners to the sense of touch. Learners collect objects of varying textures like feathers, rocks, sand, etc.

Our Sense of Sight: How We Perceive Movement, Depth and Illusions
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate visual perception as well as plan and conduct their own experiments.