Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 676

Where is the Sun?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners verify that the Sun appears in a different location at a specific time every day of the year with one exception: on the Equinoxes.

Dust Catchers
Source Institutions
In this activity related to indoor air pollution, learners build take-home dust catchers with wax paper and petroleum jelly.

Dripping Wet or Dry as a Bone?
Learners investigate the concept of humidity by using a dry and wet sponge as a model. They determine a model for 100% humidity, a sponge saturated with water.

Source Institutions
In this food science activity, learners explore digestion and proteins by observing the action of meat tenderizer on luncheon meat.

Modeling Day and Night
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 1 of the PDF), learners make a "mini-globe" to investigate the causes of day and night on our planet.

Fossilized Dinosaur Teeth Adaptations
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use models of fossilized dinosaur teeth to understand how dinosaur teeth were used.

The Geophysical Light/Dark Cycle
Source Institutions
This is an activity (located on page 131 of the PDF) related to sleep and circadian rhythms as well as space travel.

Meteoroids and the Craters They Make
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the formation of craters. Learners will examine how the size, angle and speed of a meteorite's impact affects the properties of craters.

Excavating and Mapping Under Water
Source Institutions
In this archaeology activity, learners consider ways in which excavating an underwater site is different from excavating a terrestrial site.

Recrystallization Test
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners recrystallize substances from solutions and make observations about the resulting crystals. This test can help further identify the unknown.

Right Foot/Left Foot
Source Institutions
In this activity (2nd on the page), learners conduct a series of tests to find out which foot is more dominant. In other words, are they right-footed or left-footed?

Where Will It Go?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners predict where a ball will go after it bounces off another object. Learners discover that the motion of objects is predictable based on laws of motion.

Physics Tug of War
Learners set up books with rubber bands stretched between the books. When two identical books are stretched apart and released, they move back toward each other an equal distance.
What Do Birds Do?
Source Institutions
This activity (located on page 3 of the PDF under GPS: Cave Swallows Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into bird behaviors.

Batter Up!
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 3 of the PDF under GPS: Baseball Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into how "bounciness" relates to the distance a ball will fly when hit off a batting tee.

From the Internet to Outer Space
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will use Google Sky to observe features of the night sky and share their observations.

Measurement: How Many Noses Are in Your Arm?
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners apply the concepts of ratio and proportion to determine the length of the Statue of Liberty's torch-bearing arm.

Measuring Your Breathing Frequency at Rest
Source Institutions
In this activity about the brain and sleep (on page 138 of the PDF), learners measure their resting breathing rates. Learners will discover that breathing frequencies vary amongst individuals.

Skin Deep
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how to protect their skin while applying pesticides to plants.

Look-alike Liquids
Source Institutions
Learners add drops of four liquids (water, alcohol, salt water, and detergent solution) to different surfaces and observe the liquids' behavior.