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"Nature of Dye" allows participants to create their own dyes and art while exploring how chemicals interact and how these interactions can have real-world applications. Participants predict, observe, and share what they notice as they experiment with their dye. Activity includes a facilitation guide with potential misconceptions, relevant background infosheets with cultural connections, a table sign, and an activity training video. All public-facing materials also available in Spanish.
- 5 to 10 minutes
- 10 to 30 minutes
- Over $20 per group of students
- Ages 6 - adult
- Activity, Experiment/Lab Activity
- English, Spanish
Quick Guide
Materials List (per group of students)
- Cochineal bugs (dried)
- Soda ash (sodium carbonate) solution
- Vinegar solution
- Water
- pH strips
- Paper towels
- Mini mortar and pestle
- Tri-sectioned petri dish
- 1-milliliter pipette
- 6 dropper bottles
- Waste bucket
- Rinse beaker
- Product and dye cards
- 1/4-inch x 3-inch strips of uncoated watercolor paper (bookmarks)
- Marker and labels
Physical Sciences
- Chemical Reactions
- Acids and Bases
- Chemistry of Life
- Solutions
Informal Categories
- Arts and Crafts
- Nature and Environment
Learning styles supported:
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
Foreign language versions of this resource:
- Spanish: Activity Guide (Spanish)
- Spanish: Nature of Dye Cards (Spanish)
- Spanish: Activity Sign (Spanish)
- Spanish: Dye Mat (Spanish )
- Spanish: PH Scale (Spanish)
Components that are part of this resource:
- Activity Guide
- Activity Sign
- Facilitator Guide
- Nature of Dye Cards
- PH Scale
- Dye Mat
- Cochineal Safety Data Sheet
- Sodium Carbonate Safety Data Sheet
- Vinegar Safety Data Sheet
- Training Video
Access Rights:
- Free access
- Creative Commons: Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa), Sciencenter, 2018
Funding Source:
- National Science Foundation, DRL 1612482