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This is an online activity about what would happen if we could travel at or near the speed of light. Learners will pick a fictional destination light years away, travel there and back to Earth, and see the difference in the relative times that have passed for them and the people that stayed back on earth.
- Under 5 minutes
- 5 to 10 minutes
- free per student
- Ages 11 - 18
- Activity
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per student)
- Computer with internet connection
Earth and Space Science
- Astronomy
- Physical Sciences
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- read
- use mouse
Learning styles supported:
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
This resource is part of:
Access Rights:
- Free access
Source Collection
- COSI classroom and online acitvities
- All rights reserved, COSI, 2009