Mummies and vampires and ghouls…Oh my!

draculuSome kids (and educators) think science is scary stuff. That’s what makes hands-on activities from THE ATOMS FAMILY such spooky science fun. These Miami Museum of Science activities use classic, gothic horror characters like The Mummy, Dracula, Frankenstein, and Phantom of the Opera to make the study of energy even more “electrifying.”

Learners can tour The Mummy’s Tomb to discover energy conservation, and kinetic and potential energy; Dracula’s Library to explore the properties of light, waves and particles; Frankenstein’s Lightning Laboratory to plug into electricity and electrical safety; the Phantom’s Portrait Parlor to get a picture of the principles of atoms and matter; and Wolfman’s Ghostly Graveyard to dig into fuel conservation and energy transfer.

If you’re looking for even more, slightly spooky activities to engage Halloween-impatient learners, try the ancient science of mummification (NO monsters required!) in’s Mummy Magic and Make a Mummy , or examine the environmental impact of acid rain in Gravestone Weathering—if you dare…