¡Ya está! Finding science and math activities in Spanish

There are at least two different ways to search for the hundreds of activities in Spanish at howtosmile.org.


1. The Advanced Search method brings up mostly activities catalogued in Spanish (the description of the activity is in that language).

a. Hit Advanced Search on the howtosmile.org home page:

arrow to advanced search






b. Scroll down to the Language, Standards, and Assessment section, then chose “Spanish”

advanced search spanishc. ¡Ya está!There you are! High-quality, hands-on STEM activities in Spanish.


spanish in main search window

2. Method Two casts a wider net. If you type ‘Spanish’ into howtosmile.org’s search window, hundreds of records will come up.



Some, like Calendario de Códigos y Laberintos, are activities in Spanish that have a link in the SMILE record to an English version (see green arrow).

calendario con flecha


Some, like Caterpillar Measure, are activities in English that have a link in the SMILE record to a Spanish version:

caterpiller arrow


Note that some activities have additional resources in alternate languages, listed in the SMILE record under “Other.” In the case of Caterpillar Measure, the activity record has links to web pages that give more information (in both English and Spanish) about the activity and the program “Para los Ninos” that it comes from, along with a downloadable pdf with 6 other math activities, in both English and Spanish.

caterpillar Other


Once you have the lists of Spanish-language activities up, you can, of course, further refine your search—by age, subject, learning time, and a host of other criteria.

narrow the search