An Ocean of Activities

Many marine scientists suspect that ocean species may be disappearing even before they're discovered, while well-known species are being wiped out by overfishing.  In the game Sustainable Fishing in the Philippines, learners experience what happens to fishers, who depend on the ocean for their living, when a fish population is depleted.

Species Suprise At the same time, hundreds of surprising new species, including a deep ocean shark that swells up its stomach to scare predators, have been discovered by an expedition of the California Academy of Sciences, a partner. Learners can simulate the kind of species survey and discovery that goes into such a scientific expedition, in the Wetland Bioblitz activity.

Dive into hundreds of hands-on ocean science activities from partners like NOAA  and BRIDGE: Online Ocean Science Education Resource Center. You'll also find many informal education resources for ocean literacy on the brand new website for MARE: Marine Activities, Resources and Education at the Lawrence Hall of Science.