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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

Strange Soap
Source Institutions
In this physics activity, learners experiment with soap bubbles to see what variables affect their size. They explore how soap film and bubbles always seek the smallest surface area possible.

In Proportion
Source Institutions
Through this nutrition activity (page 5 of the PDF), learners will understand—and probably be surprised by—how big serving sizes of various foods should be.

What's the Buzz
Source Institutions
In this physics activity, learners explore how sound is created by vibrations.

A Swell Activity with Beans
Source Institutions
In this combination chemistry and physics activity, learners explore water absorption in dried beans or peas and learn how this affects their physical properties.

The Pressure's On
Source Institutions
In this chemistry activity, learners explore chemical reactions and their effects, including the kind of reaction in the human body that makes people burp!

Rollin’ Rollin' Rollin'
Source Institutions
In this physics activity (page 12 of the PDF), learners explore potential and kinetic energy by rolling different sized marbles down an inclined plane.