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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23

Edible Model of the Sun
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make "solar cookies," edible models of the Sun's outer layers using sugar cookies and toppings.

Exploring Products: Nano Sand
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how water behaves differently when it comes in contact with "nano sand" and regular sand.

Exploring Tools: Special Microscopes
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use a flexible magnet as a model for a scanning probe microscope (SPM). They learn that SPMs are an example of a special tool that scientists use to work on the nanoscale.

Exploring Materials: Thin Films
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a colorful bookmark using a super thin layer of nail polish on water. Learners discover that a thin film creates iridescent, rainbow colors.

Bleeding Paper
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 3 of the PDF, learners discover how science and Halloween are fun companions as they make paper bleed.

Beating Gravity
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners watch as a device drops a ball into a cup without touching the ball or cup, even though the ball and cup are virtually side-by-side.

Human Battery
Source Institutions
Learners place their hands on different metals and use an ammeter to monitor the flow of electricity from one metal to another.

DNA the Easy Way
Source Institutions
This demonstration can be used to help learners visualize DNA by lysing (breaking open) bacterial cells on a slide and “stringing up” the DNA with a toothpick in less than one minute.

Exploring Materials: Hydrogel
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how a super-absorbing material can be used to move a straw.

Biobarcodes: Antibodies and Nanosensors
Source Institutions
In this activity/demo, learners investigate biobarcodes, a nanomedical technology that allows for massively parallel testing that can assist with disease diagnosis.

Antibody Builder
Source Institutions
Learners use Duplo bricks to build antibodies with shapes that match model viruses.

Exploring the Universe: Static Electricity
Source Institutions
This activity encourages visitors to build an electroscope—a simplified version of one of the tools scientists use to study the invisible forces on Earth and in space.

Molecular Gastronomy: Use Self-Assembly to Make a Dessert Topping
Source Institutions
Molecular gastronomy is the scientific study of food preparation. Learners use self-assembly techniques to create edible capsules of chocolate syrup (food grade ingredients are required).

Molecules in Motion
Source Institutions
"Molecules in Motion" explores how materials behave and change in a vacuum.

The Squeeze Box
Source Institutions
In this geology activity learners build a "squeeze box," which allows them to compress layers of sediment. This is a great way to investigate folding and faulting in the Earth.

Exploring the Solar System: Moonquakes
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners sort different natural phenomena into categories (they occur on Earth, on the Moon, or on both), and then model how energy moves during a quake using spring toys.

Build A Battery
Source Institutions
The Let's Do Chemistry "Build a Battery" activity lets participants learn how batteries work and how materials behave, change, and interact by building their own simple battery out of metal and felt w

Exploring Forces: Static Electricity
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate what happens when you build up static electricity on plastic balls.

Exploring Materials: Graphene
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 4 of the PDF, explore the unique molecular structure and conductive nature of graphene. Learners construct a circuit with a battery and LED bulb.

Cellular Soap Opera
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a large film of soap and experiment with what can and cannot pass through it.