Antigen-Antibody Testing: A Visual Simulation or Virtual Reality
Source Institutions
In this biology activity, learners use plastic pipettes to cut wells into the solid gel layer of agar in petri dishes and place solutions of simulated antigen and antibody preparations into the wells.
DNA Extraction
Source Institutions
In this activity related to plant biotechnology, learners extract DNA from fruit to investigate how it looks and feels.
Restriction Enzyme Digestion: How does it work? Why is it useful?
Source Institutions
In this activity related to plant biotechnology, learners use restriction enzymes to cut up DNA from a virus called Bacteriophage λ, a process known as restriction digestion.
Gel Electrophoresis of Dyes
Source Institutions
In this experiment related to plant biotechnology, learners discover how to prepare and load an electrophoresis gel.
Transformation of E. coli Using Green Fluorescent Protein
Source Institutions
In this activity related to plant biotechnology, learners transform a strain of E. coli using green fluorescent protein from a bioluminescent jellies.
Effect of Environment on Plant Growth
Source Institutions
The purpose of this plant biotechnology activity is to demonstrate the effect of changes in the environment on the growth and fertility of landscape grasses and crop grasses such as wheat and rice.
Plant Tissue Culture: Classroom Activities in Plant Biotechnology
Source Institutions
In this activity related to plant biotechnology, learners use the tissue culture process to rapidly produce clones (genetic copies) of a particular plant (cauliflower, rose cuttings, African violet le
Plant Parts and Their Diseases
Source Institutions
This exercise is designed to teach young learners the different parts of a plant (root, stems, leaves, flowers, fruit, and seeds), the basic functions of each part, and to show that tiny microscopic o
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) with Powdery Mildew Fungi
Source Institutions
This exercise can be used to stimulate the investigative nature of learners as they use forensic plant pathology techniques to prove the learners' innocence in a mock murder investigation.
Powdery Mildew Fungi: Classification and Ecology
Source Institutions
In this laboratory exercise, learners will discover how many different plant hosts they can find that are infected by the same genus of a powdery mildew fungus, or how many different genera of powdery