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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16

Get the Porridge Just Right
Source Institutions
Learners set up three different bowls, each with a different mass of oatmeal. Learners monitor the temperature of the oatmeal and find that larger masses take longer to cool.

Create Gas
Source Institutions
Learners mix vinegar and baking soda together in a bottle to create a chemical reaction. The reaction produces a gas, carbon dioxide, which inflates a balloon attached to the mouth of the bottle.

Make a Comeback Can
Source Institutions
Learners build a can that automatically returns after being rolled away. The can has a rubber band inside that stores energy as the can rolls one direction.

Egg Drop
Source Institutions
Perform this classic inertia demonstration to illustrate the transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy.

Three Colors of Light
Source Institutions
Have fun with additive mixing! Observe what happens when the three primary colors of light--red, green and blue--are mixed together, resulting in white light.

Candy Chromatography
Source Institutions
Learners analyze candy-coated sweets using chromatography. Learners use this method to separate the various dyes used to make colored candy.

Fly a Hot-Air Balloon
Source Institutions
Learners assemble a hot-air balloon from tissue paper. The heated air (from a heat gun) inside the balloon is less dense than the surrounding air and causes the balloon to float.

What Goes Around Comes Around
Source Institutions
In this simulation activity, learners act as parts of the circulatory system and discover how it serves as a transport system for food/nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and waste.

Read Without Seeing
Source Institutions
Learners write a message in Braille using beans to form the patterns of dots. Learners glue beans in place, and then challenge another learner to read the message.

Color-Changing Carnations
Source Institutions
Learners place cut flowers in colored water and observe how the flowers change. The flowers absorb the water through the stem and leaves.

Static Cling
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate static electricity using everyday objects at four different stations.

Grow a Garden in a Glove
Source Institutions
Learners use a transparent plastic glove as a container to grow seeds. A different kind of seed can be planted in each finger.

Egg Carton Nursery
Source Institutions
In this activity, young learners will make their own flower seed nursery in an egg carton.

See the Colors in Leaves
Source Institutions
Learners use chromatography to separate and analyze the mixture of pigments in leaves. Use this activity to discuss photosynthesis as well as why leaves change color in autumn.

Source Institutions
Learners make slime from white school glue and Borax detergent. The long chain molecules of the white glue become cross-linked by the Borax into a big network.

Build a Roller Coaster
Source Institutions
Learners design and build a roller coaster using simple materials. Learners experiment with potential and kinetic energy to get a marble to follow a track into a cup.