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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14

The Power of Words
Source Institutions
This simple, yet surprising physics demonstration challenges preconceptions about forces, and demonstrates the strength of atmospheric pressure.

Cartesian Diver
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners observe the effects of density and pressure. A "diver" constructed out of a piece of straw and Blu-Tack will bob inside a bottle filled with water.

Amazing Marshmallows
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners observe the effects of air pressure. They will watch as marshmallows inside a bottle expand as a vacuum pump removes air from the bottle.

Waterproof Hanky
Source Institutions
In this physics demonstration, learners will be surprised when a handkerchief holds water in an upside-down glass.

Egg-Citing Physics
Source Institutions
In this demonstration about momentum, use physics to distinguish between a hard-boiled egg and a raw egg without cracking them open.

One In The Hand
Source Institutions
In this physics demonstration, learners are challenged to break a raw egg just by squeezing it. Learners will be shocked by their inability to complete the deceivingly simple challenge.

Potato Straw
Source Institutions
In this physics demonstration, learners are challenged to insert a straw the furthest into a potato.

Erupting Fizz
Source Institutions
This is a highly visual demonstration that illustrates both the effects of density and chemical reactions.

Lifting Lemon
Source Institutions
In this physics demonstration, learners will be surprised when a lemon slice appears to magically levitate within a pint glass.

Magical Match
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners will be "wowed" as three matches burn to form a triangular pyramid shape and "magically" rise off the table.

Extra Bounce
Source Institutions
In this indoor or outdoor demonstration, use a large and small ball to illustrate conservation of energy and momentum.

Shrinking Coin
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners attempt to get a large coin through a small hole, the size of a smaller coin.

Balloon Kebabs
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners observe the effects of density and pressure by attempting to make "balloon kebabs." Learners will try to insert a wooden skewer all the way through an inflated balloon

Lager Lamp
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, adult learners create a lava lamp using beer and nuts! Use this pub-themed activity to demonstrate the effects of buoyancy and bubbles.