Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 397

Metal Reactions
Source Institutions
This is written as a static display, but can easily be adapted to a hands-on experiment for learners to conduct.

A-Mazing Robot
Source Institutions
This activity lets you program your 'robot' (a willing friend) to pick up and dispose of some 'toxic waste' using as few commands as possible.

Tiny Tubes
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make "totally tubular" forms of carbon. Learners use chicken wire to build macro models of carbon nanotubes.

Source Institutions
This design challenge is an open-ended exploration of linkages, a group of parts connected by hinges, and the types of motion they can create.

Surface Area
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners discover that nanoparticles behave differently, in part because they have a high surface area to volume ratio.

How Do Viruses Recognize a Target Cell?
Source Institutions
This activity demonstrates the specificity of viral vectors for target cells in gene therapy delivery methods using two approaches: 1) STYROFOAM® models demonstrate viral ligand binding to receptor pr

Seeing 3D
Source Institutions
Create 3D glasses and use them to explore color, light and optics. Fool your brain into 'seeing' three dimensions on a flat surface!

Hot Equator, Cold Poles
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use multiple thermometers, placed at different angles, and a lamp to investigate why some places on Earth's surface are much hotter than others.

Find the Fat
Source Institutions
Fat is a very important component in our diet. It's the most efficient source of energy in our bodies, and plays an important role in the flavor of foods.

Sound Charades
Source Institutions
In this game, learners create flash cards with an image on one side (of an animal, for example) and the sound that animal makes on the other.

A Flag for Your Planet
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners design a flag for a chosen or assigned planet. The instructions include information about flags on Earth, and a list of flag references.

CD Spinner
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a simple “top” from a CD, marble and bottle cap, and use it as a spinning platform for a variety of illusion-generating patterns.

Wheat Evolution: Sedimentation Testing
Source Institutions
In this activity (Page 30 of PDF), learners investigate the evolution of wheat by conducting sedimentation tests on different flours.

Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners adjust mountain snowfall and temperature to see how glaciers grow and shrink. They will use scientific tools to measure thickness, velocity and glacial budget.

The Pulse of Gravity
Source Institutions
In this astronomy activity (page 3 of the PDF), learners will examine the effects of gravity on a person’s pulse and explore how gravity can differ from planet to planet.

Skin, Scales and Skulls
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners examine body parts (including skin, scales, and skulls) from fish, mammals and reptiles. Questions are provided to help encourage learner investigations.

Tiny Particles, Big Trouble!
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover why some nanoscale science and technology is done in the controlled environment of a clean room, what clean rooms are like, and how scientists help keep the clean r

Exploring Materials: Liquid Crystals
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that the way a material behaves on the macroscale is affected by its structure on the nanoscale.

Building a Basic Series Circuit
Source Institutions
This activity was designed for blind learners, but all types of learners can use it to build and examine a basic electrical circuit.

Your Age on Other Worlds
Source Institutions
Did you know that you would be a different age if you lived on Mars? It's true!