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Showing results 1 to 20 of 35

Sound Charades
Source Institutions
In this game, learners create flash cards with an image on one side (of an animal, for example) and the sound that animal makes on the other.

Hold a Hill
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners investigate the relationship between the slope of a trail and soil erosion.

Lichen Looking
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners search for lichen, a combination of a fungus and an alga living together. Lichen grow where most other plants cannot, on rocks, the trunks of trees, logs and sand.

Erosion and Floods
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create models of erosion and floods and learn to recognize both in their environment.

Beating Gravity
Source Institutions
In this demonstration, learners watch as a device drops a ball into a cup without touching the ball or cup, even though the ball and cup are virtually side-by-side.

Water Molds (Oomycetes)
Source Institutions
In this laboratory activity, learners use a simple procedure to bait oomycetes from water and/ or soil and then examine these fungus-like organisms with the microscope to see how they look.

Jumpy Dolls
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners are challenged to design and construct a jointed figure that moves in a motion (something like jumping jacks) when a string is pulled.

Plant Tissue Culture: Classroom Activities in Plant Biotechnology
Source Institutions
In this activity related to plant biotechnology, learners use the tissue culture process to rapidly produce clones (genetic copies) of a particular plant (cauliflower, rose cuttings, African violet le

Human Battery
Source Institutions
Learners place their hands on different metals and use an ammeter to monitor the flow of electricity from one metal to another.

Does Sunscreen Protect My DNA?
Source Institutions
In this laboratory experiment, learners explore how effectively different sunscreens protect yeast cells from damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Source Institutions
Learners observe two joined glass tubes containing a conductive salt solution. Electrodes are passing an electric current through the water.

Antigen-Antibody Testing: A Visual Simulation or Virtual Reality
Source Institutions
In this biology activity, learners use plastic pipettes to cut wells into the solid gel layer of agar in petri dishes and place solutions of simulated antigen and antibody preparations into the wells.

Salty Pits
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how different deodorants work. Learners treat agar plates with different types of deodorants and compare the bacteria growth on the plates to the control sample.

LEGO Orrery
Source Institutions
Use this model to demonstrate the goal of NASA's Kepler Mission: to find extrasolar planets through the transit method.

Shake Table
Source Institutions
This activity guide includes instructions on how to build a "Shake Table" by mounting an eccentric mass (off center) on the shaft of a small dc motor.

Macromodel of Microarray
Source Institutions
This is an educator-led demonstration of microarray technology using a model created from a pizza box and ping-pong balls.

Moldy Jell-O
Source Institutions
In this laboratory activity, learners design an experiment to evaluate how environmental factors influence the growth of molds.

Temperature vs. Height: Soda Geyser Series #6
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners conduct a controlled experiment to examine how temperature will affect the height of a soda geyser.

Food Forensics: A Case of Mistaken Identity
Source Institutions
This lesson is designed to serve as an introduction to the immune system. It can stand alone or it can lead into further studies of the immune system.

The Squeeze Box
Source Institutions
In this geology activity learners build a "squeeze box," which allows them to compress layers of sediment. This is a great way to investigate folding and faulting in the Earth.