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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17

Join the Dinosaur Age
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners rotate through several learning and play stations to explore dinosaurs and paleontologists.

The Length of My Foot
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners explore the concept of using units to measure length. Learners first read "How Big is a Foot" by Rolf Myller and learn about units.

Exploring Shadows
Source Institutions
This activity guide features three related explorations to help learners ages 3-6 investigate shadows via the following science concepts: A shadow is made when an object blocks the light; you can chan

Exploring Structures
Source Institutions
This event guide features three related explorations in which learners investigate the following science concepts: how you design and build a structure helps determine how strong it will be; different

Hunting for "Measured" Treasure
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners rotate through various centers while comparing and ordering objects according to length.

What is a Fossil?
Source Institutions
In this activity about dinosaurs, learners explore how and why fossils form. First, learners are introduced to dinosaur fossils by reading the book "Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones" by Byron Barton.

Sun Prints
Source Institutions
This activity uses a special paper that can create images with exposure to the Sun. Collect objects of different shapes and sizes and use them to make interesting patterns on your sun print.

Boats Afloat
Source Institutions
In this water activity, learners build boats that float and sink. First, learners listen to the book, "Who Sank the Boat" and practice making predictions throughout the story.

Block Neighborhood
Source Institutions
In this activity learners will build a neighborhood out of blocks and cardboard.

Prepare for a Dock Shop Field Trip
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore what makes a boat float and sink. They examine and test various objects to determine why objects float or sink.

Water Exploration Station
Source Institutions
In this activity (located on page 3 of the PDF), learners investigate the way water moves and how we can control and direct water.

Going Buggy: Three Body Parts
Source Institutions
In this fun snack and craft activity, young learners make "Ants on a Log" and their own model of an insect. The purpose is to learn the three main insect body parts—head, thorax and abdomen.

Hungry as a Caterpillar
Source Institutions
In this indoor and outdoor activity, learners discover that insects grow and develop as do all living things, going through a process known as complete metamorphosis.

Exploring Ramps
Source Institutions
This guide features three related ramp explorations in which learners investigate the following science concepts: when placed on a ramp, some objects roll, others slide, and others stay put; the shape

Ramps 2: Ramp Builder
Source Institutions
In this inquiry-based learning activity, learners design, build, and test their own ramps. They are introduced to a variety of materials and explore putting them together.

Colors in Nature
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create colorful bead bracelets to wear outside while searching for matching colors in plants. Learners will be surprised by the variety of colors in nature.

Magnet Tower
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build magnetic towers to explore the forces and properties of magnets.