Search Results
Showing results 41 to 60 of 107

That's the Way the Ball Bounces: Level 1
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners prepare four polymer elastomers and then compare their physical properties, such as texture, color, size, and bounce height.

Food to Fuel
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will explore the foods that are in their kitchen and what sugars are inside of them. Explore nutrition and food labels to better understand the foods you eat.

Sun Prints
Source Institutions
This activity uses a special paper that can create images with exposure to the Sun. Collect objects of different shapes and sizes and use them to make interesting patterns on your sun print.

In Proportion
Source Institutions
Through this nutrition activity (page 5 of the PDF), learners will understand—and probably be surprised by—how big serving sizes of various foods should be.

Glitter Bottles
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will create glitter bottles with adult supervision. These are a fun way for little ones to practice observing and making comparisons.

The Web of Life
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners examine ways that Native Americans of the Southwest express their relationship with nature through art.

Boats Afloat
Source Institutions
In this water activity, learners build boats that float and sink. First, learners listen to the book, "Who Sank the Boat" and practice making predictions throughout the story.

Fish forms
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a three-dimensional sculpture while examining the characteristics of fish.

Why Does Food Spoil?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will conduct an experiment to discover methods of reventing foot mold growth on food.

Water Drop Exploration
Source Institutions
In this activity learners will explore how water moves on waxed paper. Learners will use science process skills such as using tools and making observations as they explore surface tension.

Does it Stick?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will observe magnetic properties and sort objects by them. This activity uses everyday items to teach learners about magnetic forces, poles and properties of magnets.

Draggin' Boats
Source Institutions
Learners design, build, and test models of "dragon boats" made from up to three milk cartons.

Block Neighborhood
Source Institutions
In this activity learners will build a neighborhood out of blocks and cardboard.

Animal Tape Rescue
Source Institutions
In this activity learners will "rescue" animals from tape and then sort the animals. Learners will use science process skills such as categorizing and making observations while they play.

Prepare for a Dock Shop Field Trip
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore what makes a boat float and sink. They examine and test various objects to determine why objects float or sink.

Sticky Snot
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create slime to model mucus and examine how it collects simulated particles. Mucus keeps particles from the environment out of our lungs when we breathe.

Water Exploration Station
Source Institutions
In this activity (located on page 3 of the PDF), learners investigate the way water moves and how we can control and direct water.

Puppet Play
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will make a marionette puppet and put on a show. Learners will explore color, design, fabrication and storytelling through this activity.

Tie Dye Painting
Source Institutions
This is an activity exploring color and color mixing.

COSI's Bubble Recipe
Source Institutions
Everybody loves bubbles, and this is the best bubble recipe ever!