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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12

Film Canister Farming
Source Institutions
In this hands-on botany activity, learners sprout vegetables in film canisters.

Soap Film on a Can
Source Institutions
The beautiful iridescent colors of a bubble in a can! With this Exploratorium Science Snack, create beautiful soap films on the open end of a can to see beautiful rainbows of color.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners play a game and use pattern blocks to explore mirror images and reflection.

Paper Bridges
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build bridges using paper and explore how much weight each bridge design can support.

Straws and Pins
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build bridges and cantilevers in a series of "building out" challenges with straws and pins.

Clay Bridges
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make bridges using an oil-based modeling clay (plasticene). The instructions include discussion questions for both before and after bridge building.

Outrageous Ooze: Is It a Liquid or a Solid?
Source Institutions
This activity provides instructions for using cornstarch and water to make an ooze which has the properties of both a solid and liquid.

Pipes of Pan
Source Institutions
Create an instrument that you don't play--you just listen to it through tubes of various lengths.

Pictures From Light
Source Institutions
Did you know that using a lens one can bend light to make pictures of the world? It's true!

Exploring Tessellations (Grades K-2)
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners repeat patterns in two and three dimensions to create tessellations. This activity combines the creativity of an art project with the challenge of solving a puzzle.

Bubbularium: See the Colors in Bubbles
Source Institutions
With little more than a flashlight, a straw, and a plastic lid, make an observatory so you can see the amazing colors in bubbles.

String Shapes
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners work together to make polygons (many-sided shapes) with string. Learners sit on the floor and hold onto a piece of string slid between their thumbs and index fingers.