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Nature of Dye
Source Institutions
"Nature of Dye" allows participants to create their own dyes and art while exploring how chemicals interact and how these interactions can have real-world applications.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will use chemistry to create a night sky watercolor painting. They will experiment to learn the effects of mixing crayon, salt, and lemon juice with water color paints.

Rolling Action Art
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners of all ages will roll a ball coated with paint to artistically visualize the motion of the object.

Paper Sculptures
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners manipulate paper to build original 3-dimensional sculptures. Appropriate for any age, learners can use fingers to tear, crumple, or fold, and if available, scissors to cut.

Make A Spinning Top
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners design and build a toy top out of simple, everyday materials and have the option to use the toy as an artistic tool.