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Showing results 1 to 20 of 32

Patterns and Relationships: Here, There & Everywhere
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners use a variety of sensory modalities to gain experiences with identifying, describing and creating repeating patterns.

Exploring Materials: Nano Gold
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that nanoparticles of gold can appear red, orange or even blue. They learn that a material can act differently when it’s nanometer-sized.

Kinetic Sculpture: Program the Pico Cricket to Make Your Art Light Up or Spin
Source Institutions
Use a Pico Cricket (micro-controller) to animate your art! You can program a Pico Cricket to make your art spin, light up, or make music.

Fossils: Observing, Making and Learning
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how casts of fossilized bones are created and used to learn about dinosaurs. Learners make observations, draw diagrams and share their findings.

Smart Domino Tricks
Source Institutions
In this activity, you take regular dominoes, and turn them into conductive switches that can turn on a LEGO RCX block or Pico Cricket (micro controller). LEGO RCX block or Pico Cricket is required.

Plaster of Paris
Source Institutions
In this activity (page 6 of the PDF), learners will observe both a chemical and a physical change.

Interactive Pencil Drawings: Drawings That Tell a Story!
Source Institutions
Margaret Pezalla-Granlund, a Minnesota artist, came up with this really fun and surprising activity using graphite from a pencil, connected with a Pico Cricket to tell a story: "The first time I saw s

Source Institutions
This activity (on page 2 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Kites) is a full inquiry investigation into how a kite’s shape affects its performance.

Pico Cricket Compass
Source Institutions
Learners can program a compass to draw a circle by itself using a Pico Cricket, some Legos, and lots of tape! Pico Cricket is required.

Social Fireflies: Pico "Firefly" Communication
Source Institutions
Make two firefly lanterns, then program them to blink to one another and change colors.

Dough Creatures
Source Institutions
In this technology activity, learners light up the room with electrifying play dough creations. Learners use conductive and insulating homemade play dough to build simple circuits.

DNA Jewelry Models
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct a model of DNA to better understand the structure of DNA and protein synthesis.

Nanoparticle Stained Glass
Source Institutions
In this activity/demo, learners are introduced to the connection between medieval stained glass artisans and nanotechnology.

Plankton Races
Source Institutions
In this two-part activity, learners investigate buoyancy, density and surface area as well as biodiversity and the relationship between the structure and function of organisms.

High Tech Fashion
Source Institutions
In this technology activity, learners build simple circuits, design soft circuits using conductive thread, and then sew switch-activated circuits.

Nature of Dye
Source Institutions
"Nature of Dye" allows participants to create their own dyes and art while exploring how chemicals interact and how these interactions can have real-world applications.

Slimy Cells
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners solidify their conceptualization of cells by building a model of a cell in a ziplock bag.

Overnight Painting Machine: Pico Cricket Activity
Source Institutions
This activity requires a Pico Cricket (tiny computer).

Drawing Board
Source Institutions
The Drawing Board consists of a marking pen that remains stationary and a platform that swings beneath the pen, acting as a pendulum.

Bike Wheel Zoetrope
Source Institutions
In this activity (posted on April 18, 2011), learners follow the steps to construct a zoetrope, a device that produces an illusion of action from a rapid succession of static pictures, using a 16" bik