Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 38

Join the Dinosaur Age
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners rotate through several learning and play stations to explore dinosaurs and paleontologists.

Watch It Fly
Source Institutions
Learners observe projectile motion by launching wooden balls off of a table top. They set up a rubber-band launcher so that each ball experiences a consistent amount of force.

Create a Dinosaur Name
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how dinosaurs are named and what their names mean. Learners listen to "The Littlest Dinosaurs" by Bernard Most.

The Length of My Foot
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners explore the concept of using units to measure length. Learners first read "How Big is a Foot" by Rolf Myller and learn about units.

In the News
Source Institutions
In this fun and imaginative writing assignment (page nine of the pdf), students will flex the creative side of their brains to learn more about the laws of motion and the scientific process.

Make a Dinosaur Model
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore dinosaur skeletons, anatomy, and locomotion. Learners compare and contrast dinosaur skeletons and drawings.

The Proof is in the Powder
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will design a way to identify a powder found at a crime scene by comparing it with known powders, with the goal of solving a crime.

Habitat Observations
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners discover the wonders of the habitat surrounding them.

If You Lived in a Forest
Source Institutions
This activity encourages learners to focus on the natural environment of the Eastern Woodlands before the arrival of European settlers.

What is a Fossil?
Source Institutions
In this activity about dinosaurs, learners explore how and why fossils form. First, learners are introduced to dinosaur fossils by reading the book "Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones" by Byron Barton.

Designing a Wall
Source Institutions
In this engineering activity (page 5 of PDF), young learners investigate how materials and design contribute to the strength of a structure, particularly walls.

Supersize That Dinosaur
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the size and scale of dinosaurs. Learners listen to "The Littlest Dinosaurs" by Bernard Most. Then, learners estimate the size of a Triceratops and T.

Dinosaur Interaction
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore why animals, specifically dinosaurs, live in families.

Chances Are: OH NO! Look Out Below for a UFO
Source Institutions
In this math lesson (on Page 13), learners predict and simulate the likelihood of an event occurring.

Swinging Yo-Yo
Source Institutions
Learners build a pendulum from a yo-yo, and then design their own experiment to determine what affects the pendulum's period of swing.

Aesop's Arithmetic
Source Institutions
In this activity (located on page 9 of the PDF), learners are introduced to Aesop's fable, "The Crow and the Pitcher." In the story, a clever crow drops pebbles into a pitcher to cause the water level

Boats Afloat
Source Institutions
In this water activity, learners build boats that float and sink. First, learners listen to the book, "Who Sank the Boat" and practice making predictions throughout the story.

Measuring UP!
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners use inchworm measuring tools to measure the lengths of several objects in the room.

Prepare for a Dock Shop Field Trip
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore what makes a boat float and sink. They examine and test various objects to determine why objects float or sink.

Dancing Compasses
Source Institutions
Learners use compasses to detect the magnetic field created by current moving through a wire. This is one of four activities learners can complete related to PhysicsQuest 2008.