Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 181

Wiggly Water
Source Institutions
This is a simple and fun activity for learners to explore water and colors.

From Polliwog to Frog
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how frogs' bodies change while growing from a tadpole to a frog. Learners create a simple craft that gives a visual display of the metamorphosis process.

From the Internet to Outer Space
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will use Google Sky to observe features of the night sky and share their observations.

Skin Deep
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how to protect their skin while applying pesticides to plants.

Drain Game
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 36-39), learners make a model of a watershed out of paper, then run water down the mountain to simulate how rainfall and pollution affect watersheds.

A Funny Taste
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the different salinities of various sources of water by taste-testing.

How Much Water is in that Cloud?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners working in pairs saturate a cotton ball using water drops from an eyedropper to demonstrate the high water capacity of clouds.

Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners adjust mountain snowfall and temperature to see how glaciers grow and shrink. They will use scientific tools to measure thickness, velocity and glacial budget.

Draft Detectives
Source Institutions
In this two part activity, learners become draft detectives by constructing their own draft catchers to detect drafts around windows or doors.

Toad Abode: Creating a Home for a Backyard Toad
Source Institutions
In this activity about backyard habitats learners create a safe and toad-friendly environment near their own home.
Bat Echolocation Experiment
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how bats use echolocation to get information about objects in their environment. During the activity, one learner whispers into a tube.

Sizing Up Hail
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will estimate the sizes of balls to learn how to estimate the size of hail. Learners will compare their estimates to the estimates of their peers and the real measurements.

Quadraphonic Wind
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover how the extent of various wind speeds changes in each of the four quadrants around a hurricane.

I Like to Move-It
Source Institutions
This is an activity which will allow learners to gain an understanding of lemur behavior through observation and role play.

Fused Plastic Wallet
Source Institutions
In this up-cycling activity, learners recycle plastic bags and repurpose them into useful wallets.

Slippery Coqui Eggs
Source Institutions
In this activity, multiple learners will use a game with ballloons to learn about coqui frog behavior.

A Recipe for Air
Learners use M&Ms® (or any other multi-color, equally-sized small candy or pieces) to create a pie graph that expresses the composition of air.

Morphing Butterfly
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how nanosized structures can create brilliant color.

An Apple as Planet Earth
Source Institutions
In this environmental education demonstration (page 6 of the PDF), learners will see a tangible representation of the scarcity of soil resources on earth.

Sidewalk Constellations
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will go outside and create a constellation.