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lambda DNA Fingerprinting Simulation
Source Institutions
The purpose of this lab activity is to demonstrate (through simulation) how DNA fingerprinting (or DNA profiling) might be used to solve a crime.

Gel Electrophoresis
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners simulate the process of DNA fingerprinting by using electricity to separate colored dyes.

DNA Fingerprinting
Source Institutions
In this forensics activity, learners solve a mystery using “DNA” taken from the scene of the crime.

Super Sleuths
Source Institutions
In this physical sciences activity, learners use science to solve a "crime." Learners collect trace evidence (glitter) and explore its characteristics, such as color, size, shape, and light reflection

Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) with Powdery Mildew Fungi
Source Institutions
This exercise can be used to stimulate the investigative nature of learners as they use forensic plant pathology techniques to prove the learners' innocence in a mock murder investigation.

Print Hints
Source Institutions
In this physical sciences activity, learners explore how forensic investigators collect prints from a crime scene. Learners make hand impressions in damp sand and analyze the patterns they observe.