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Showing results 41 to 48 of 48
Invent on the Spot
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners design a device to solve a problem: how to get a ball out of a drain pipe.
Life Vest Challenge
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the engineering behind life vests or personal flotation devices and the challenges met by these devices.
Kick Stick Challenge
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners investigate series circuits and motors to build a hand-held "kick stick." Their goal is create a battery-operated device that sends a Ping-Pong ball across
Extreme Kicking Machine
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity follow up to "Kicking Machine", learners add a hands-free feature to their Kicking Machine.
Sky Floater Challenge
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners make a balloon hover at eye level for five seconds, and then make it move by creating air currents.
Pop Fly
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners invent a way to send a Ping-Pong ball flying high enough to catch it - like football with a twist!
Kicking Machine
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners build a machine that kicks a Ping-Pong ball into a cup lying on its side 12 inches away.
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct bug models that "jitter" all over the table with just a battery, motor, and counterweight.