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The Carbon Cycle and its Role in Climate Change: Activity 3
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the human influences on the carbon cycle and examine how fossil fuels release carbon.

The Carbon Cycle and its Role in Climate Change: Activity 1
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 1), learners role play as atoms to explore how atoms can be rearranged to make different materials.

The Carbon Cycle Game
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners take on the role of a carbon atom and record which reservoirs in the carbon cycle they visit.

Carbon Cycle Poster
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners gain knowledge about how carbon moves through all four of the Earth’s major spheres (biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere), and understand how humans influenc

The Carbon Cycle: How It Works
Source Institutions
In this game, learners walk through an imaginary Carbon Cycle and explore the ways in which carbon is stored in reservoirs and the processes that transport the carbon atom from one location to another

Introduction to the Scientific Method
Source Institutions
In this activity (page 26 of the PDF), learners make observations, formulate hypotheses and design a controlled experiment, based on the reaction of carbon dioxide with calcium hydroxide.