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Showing results 1 to 20 of 42

Make Your Own Sculpture Dough
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 7 of the PDF, learners follow a recipe to make a dough similar to the clay artists use to make sculptures.

Magnets on the Move
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the behavior of magnets. Learners create a "wonder wand" with a magnet so they can move a skater around.

Newspaper Collage
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 3 of the PDF, learners create a collage by using vinegar to transfer color pictures from a newspaper onto a piece of white paper.

Colors Collide or Combine
Source Institutions
Learners place multiple M&M's in a plate of water to watch what happens as the candies dissolve.

Universal Indicator Rainbow Trout
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 2 of the PDF, learners discover how color changes can help scientists distinguish between acids and bases.

Mysterious M&M's
Source Institutions
Learners place an M&M candy in water and observe what happens. The sugar-and-color coating dissolves and spreads out in a circular pattern around the M&M.

Twist and Spout
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make their own "tornado" using two soda bottles and water.

What Counts in Bounce
Source Institutions
In this activity learners compare the bounciness of warm and cold racquetballs to see if temperature makes a difference in how well they bounce.

Playtime Paint
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 9 of the PDF, learners make their own paint using chalk as a pigment and glue and water as binders. This activity introduces learners to special mixtures called suspensions.

Change in Temperature: Endothermic Reaction
Source Institutions
Learners investigate signs of a chemical reaction when they mix vinegar and baking soda. In addition to a gas being produced, learners also notice the temperature decreases.

Upside-Down Town
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore ray optics. Learners discover that they can use a magnifying glass to create an upside-down image.

Disappearing Statues
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 8), learners model how marble statues and buildings are affected by acid rain.

A Dissolving Challenge
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners add objects and substances to carbonated water to discover that added objects increase the rate at which dissolved gas comes out of solution.

Wash This Way
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 4 of the PDF, learners investigate the importance of washing their hands.

Water: Clearly Unique!
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 4 of the PDF (Water in Our World), learners conduct some quick and easy tests to determine the differences between water and other liquids that look very similar to water.

Does Size Make a Difference?
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 15 of the PDF, discover how materials and physical forces behave differently at the nanoscale.

New Sense about Cents
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 6 of the PDF (Chemistry—It’s Elemental), learners explore some of the properties of copper using a few common household ingredients.

Milli's Super Sorting Challenge
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners separate materials based on their special properties to mimic the way recyclables are sorted at recycling centers.

Water "Digs" It!
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate soil erosion. Learners set up a simulation to observe how water can change the land and move nutrients from one place to another.

Liquid Lens
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that they can create a lens from a water drop. Learners test their lens by looking at words or pictures.