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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23
I Spy Shapes
Source Institutions
The learner will ask yes-no questions to identify a secret shape (similar to Twenty Questions). Build understanding of shapes and logic skills with this game for all ages.
Rate It: Working With Zero and Negative Numbers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will rate the day, a book, or something else on a scale from -2 to 2. This activity works well for groups of all ages.
Quick Questions: Create a Survey
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will conduct an open-ended survey, and then organize and analyze results. What languages does everyone speak? What’s the most common? the least common?
How Many In a Minute
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will keep track of how much they can do in one minute. Instructors can pick something everyone will do for a minute, such as jumping up and down or drawing stars.

Piles of Paper: Estimate Paper Use
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners keep track of how much paper the group uses in a week. Build awareness of paper waste, while strengthening measurement and estimation skills.
Six Squares: Geometry and Design
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners take a turn contributing a closed figure made of six squares to a large grid; each must be different from all the others on the grid so far.
Mystery Jars: Estimate Contents
Source Institutions
This activity puts a mathematical twist on the familiar “guessing jar.” No guesses allowed, estimates only.
Size Them Up: Learning About Volume and Capacity
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will put a set of containers in order by capacity. Would the tallest container hold more or less water than the wide, short one?
Fair Shares: Predict Equal Shares
Source Institutions
Use this activity to build division and number sense into any snack time or whenever there is a limited set of things to share among a group: If we deal these out, could everyone get two pieces?
Pocket Change: Math and Coin Toss
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will play a coin toss game where the highest total wins. Combine coin recognition, addition, and probability with a game learners can play on their own.
Pour Some: Measure Serving Size
Source Institutions
Make snack time into measuring time and learn to read Nutrition Facts labels. Try this when you’re using “pourable” foods, such as cereal, yoghurt, or juice.
Narrow It Down: Asking Yes-No Questions
Source Institutions
In this activity, the learner asks yes-no questions to identify a secret object (similar to Twenty Questions). This game is easy to adapt for different ages and different kinds of contexts.
Catch the Beat
Source Institutions
This is an activity about music, movement, and math. Learners will start a rhythm pattern with 2, 3, or 4 beats. For instance, tap your foot, jump, clap, repeat.

Line Up: Using Math To Stand In Line
Source Institutions
Put math of measurement into lining up — and make waiting in line fun. Choose a size characteristic that learners can physically compare, such as foot length or hair length.
Narrow it Down: Numbers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will ask yes-no questions to identify a secret number (similar to Twenty Questions). Combine logic and numbers in this game for all ages.
Take Ten: Cleaning Up is Fun
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will make cleaning up more fun with predictions and counting. Estimate how many things are on the floor (or table), then count as they are picked up.

Count Around
Source Institutions
Learners explore their surroundings while reasoning about categories and counting.

Número misterioso
Source Institutions
Combine la lógica y los números en este juego para todas las edades.
Team Up: Fun With Division
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will divide into teams or groups of equal size. “How many teams of three can we make?” “We need an equal number of children at each of the four computers.
Quick Questions: Learn About Data
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will collect and analyze data to learn about the people around them. How many letters in everyone’s first name? What’s the most common number of letters?