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Showing results 1 to 20 of 39
Trading Places: Redox Reactions
Source Institutions
Visitors add drops of copper sulfate solution onto a steel nail. They observe the nail change color from silver to brown as the copper plates onto the nail.

Soap: Sometimes oil and water do mix!
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 2 of PDF), learners mix oil and water. Then, they add soap and observe what changes! The activity demonstrates how oil and water don't mix, except when soap is added.
Currently Working: Testing Conductivity
Source Institutions
Visitors test solutions of water, sugar, salt, and hydrochloric acid and the solids salt and sugar. They clip leads from the hand generator to wires immersed in each substance.
Forwards and Backwards: pH and Indicators
Source Institutions
Visitors prepare six solutions combining vinegar and ammonia that range incrementally from acid (all vinegar) to base (all ammonia).

Bounce vs. Thud Balls
Source Institutions
Learners compare the properties of two balls that appear identical. One ball bounces, while the other ball "thuds." The “bounce” ball is made of the polymer polybutadiene (-C4H4-).

Source Institutions
In this chemistry lab activity, learners model the colors of fireworks by burning metallic solutions in a flame and observing the different colors produced.

Source Institutions
Learners observe two joined glass tubes containing a conductive salt solution. Electrodes are passing an electric current through the water.

First Impressions
Source Institutions
Learners experiment with a commercial photo-sensitive paper (Sunprint® or NaturePrint® paper). They place opaque and clear objects on the paper and expose it to bright light, observing the results.

Natural Buffers
Source Institutions
Learners use a universal indicator to test the amount of sodium hydroxide needed to change the pH of plain water compared with the amount needed to change the pH of gelatin.
Egg Osmosis
Source Institutions
Visitors observe three beakers. One beaker contains an egg immersed in vinegar. Visitors observe carbon dioxide gas escaping from the shell as the calcium carbonate reacts with the vinegar.
Yeast Balloons
Source Institutions
Visitors observe a bottle with a balloon attached around the mouth. The bottle contains a solution of yeast, sugar, and water.

Natural Indicators
Source Institutions
Learners combine different plant solutions -- made from fruits, vegetables, and flowers -- with equal amounts of vinegar (acid), water (neutral), and ammonia (base).

Rocket Science
Source Institutions
Learners create a small explosion by collecting hydrogen and oxygen gas together and squeezing them into a flame.

Build a Battery
Source Institutions
Learners build a simple one-cell battery and use an ammeter to measure the flow of current.

Hot and Cold
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore temperature changes from chemical reactions by mixing urea with water in one flask and mixing calcium chloride with water in another flask.

Source Institutions
In this hands-on activity, learners use heat to shrink samples of polystyrene plastic (#6 recycle code). Learners compare the size and shape of the plastic pieces before and after shrinking.

See the Light
Source Institutions
Learners mix a solution of luminol with hydrogen peroxide to produce a reaction that gives off blue light.

Source Institutions
Using electrolysis, learners produce hydrogen gas and oxygen gas from water molecules in a solution.

Currently Working
Source Institutions
Learners test solutions of water, sugar, salt, and hydrochloric acid for electrical conductivity. They immerse leads from a lighting device (a battery pack connected to an LED) into each solution.

Take Out the Trash
Source Institutions
Learners explore how recyclers take advantage of the different properties of materials, such as magnetism and density, to separate them from a mixture.