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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16

Perspectives: Powers of 10
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners complete a series of drawing activities to explore scale and powers of 10. Learners first trace each other on 1-meter-square pieces of paper.

Mirrors and Images
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners explore how many objects they can see in a set of mirrors (hinged like a book) at various angles.
The Ripple Tank
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners create a ripple tank from household materials to study waves. Learners build the tank and then explore by making various types of waves.
Mix and Match
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners explore color by examining color dots through colored water and the light of a flashlight.
The Bent Pencil
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners explore how light bends and affects what we see.

Why Are Bubbles So Colorful?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore why they can see colors in bubbles and why they change.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Angles of Reflection
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners work in pairs to explore how mirrors work. Learners use tape to mark the angles needed to see each other's reflection in a wall mirror.

Make a Light Fountain
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners make a "light fountain" from a clear plastic bottle, flashlight, and other simple materials.

Lose a Glass in a Glass
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners use paint thinner to make a small jar seem to disappear inside a larger jar.
Moving Pictures
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners create flip books by drawing an image like an eye opening and closing on 24 small pages of paper.
What Causes Rainbows?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how and why rainbows form by creating rainbows in a variety of ways using simple materials. Learners create rainbows indoors and outdoors.
Transparent Gelatin
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners explore how they can make gelatin stop light, but not stop them from seeing fruit suspended within.
Splitting White Light
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners split white light into all its component colors using three household items: a compact disc, dishwashing liquid, and a hose (outside).

Make Money Appear Before Your Eyes
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners use water to make a coin "appear" and "disappear." Use this activity to demonstrate how light refracts and introduce light as waves.

Bending Light
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners make a lens and explore how the eye manipulates the light that enters it.

Spinning Your (Color) Wheels
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners use everyday materials to make a color wheel. When learners spin the wheel like a top, they will be surprised to see all the colors mixing together to appear white.