Search Results
Showing results 121 to 140 of 242

Source Institutions
In this quick activity, Dracula has a hole in his house and learners help solve the problem by using a mirror and protractor to reflect incoming light out of his house.
Narrow It Down: Asking Yes-No Questions
Source Institutions
In this activity, the learner asks yes-no questions to identify a secret object (similar to Twenty Questions). This game is easy to adapt for different ages and different kinds of contexts.

Counting Your Lucky Stars
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners sample a star field to estimate the number of stars in the universe.

Source Institutions
Jugando a este juego, los chicos desarrollan habilidades de lógica, geometría, y visualización espacial. Los jugadores empiezan con una red de hexágonos vacía.

100 or Bust
Source Institutions
In this Cyberchase activity, learners play a game where zero can help them win--or make them lose! Learners roll the die and place a zero in the tens or ones place.
Math and Creativity Posters
Source Institutions
These math posters have questions written on them, such as: How many colors can you name in a minute? or How many seconds can you balance on one foot?

pH Scale
Source Institutions
In this online interactive simulation, learners will test the pH of liquids like coffee, spit, and soap to determine whether each is acidic, basic, or neutral.

The Daily Ups and Downs
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners graph 48 hourly air temperatures from a local weather observation site and observe the diurnal temperature variations.

Dicey Directions
Source Institutions
In this game, learners are stuck in a right turn only world! Learners take turns rolling a die and moving their game pieces along the lines of a grid to get "home," by only making right turns.

Masses & Springs
Source Institutions
In this online activity, learners use a realistic mass and spring laboratory. They hang masses from springs and adjust the spring stiffness and damping.

Human Interface Design: The Chocolate Factory
Source Institutions
In this activity about human interface design issues, learners help the Oompa-Loompas of a great chocolate factory solve different problems.

Super Memory
Source Institutions
In this activity (pages 26-29 of the PDF), learners investigate how they can develop super memories by using mnemonic devices.
Haunted by Hurricanes: Use Data to Learn About Hurricanes
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will determine if the frequency and intensity of hurricanes are changing using real data from the National Hurricane Center.
The Return of El Nino
Source Institutions
In this activity related to climate change and data analysis, learners examine temperature and precipitation data to determine if climate variations are due to El Niño.

Mapping the Classroom
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover the importance of maps and scale as they work together to create a map of the classroom.

Nano Scavenger Hunt
Source Institutions
This is an activity (located on page 3 of PDF under Where's Nano? Activity) about identifying nanoscale objects and phenomena in today's world.

Skateboard Disaster
Learners examine collisions between two skateboards carrying different masses. They learn about conservation of momentum in collisions.

Number Patterns
Source Institutions
In this lesson, learners are challenged to discover the relationship among six numbers.

Diatom Ooze: Ooze Clues
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will plot the distribution of various oozes using information from sediment maps.

Are We Almost There?
Source Institutions
In this mathematics activity, learners use a map to determine the coordinates of and distance between two locations--both by road and "as the crow flies".