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Showing results 1 to 20 of 57

Fill It Up
Source Institutions
Players take turns adding shapes made of three squares to a grid. They try to fit their shapes on the grid in a way that blocks the other player.
I Spy Shapes
Source Institutions
The learner will ask yes-no questions to identify a secret shape (similar to Twenty Questions). Build understanding of shapes and logic skills with this game for all ages.

Dots to Squares
Source Institutions
As learners play this strategy game, they develop understanding of squares, area, and perimeter. On each turn, a player draws a line between two dots next to each other on the grid.
Rate It: Working With Zero and Negative Numbers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will rate the day, a book, or something else on a scale from -2 to 2. This activity works well for groups of all ages.
Quick Questions: Create a Survey
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will conduct an open-ended survey, and then organize and analyze results. What languages does everyone speak? What’s the most common? the least common?
Five Second Dash
Source Institutions
This is an activity about prediction. How far can you hop in 5 seconds? Could you make it to the door? Across the room? Everyone lines up and tries it.
Find Someone: Use Math to Learn About Friends
Source Institutions
Create a “Find Someone” list, with about 10 items, each containing a shape, number, or measurement. Can you find someone in the group with hair about 4 inches long? Someone wearing parallel lines?
Pósteres Sobre el Espacio y Matemáticas
Source Institutions
Exponga estos pósteres en el salón o déjelos donde los chicos los puedan explorar. Los chicos buscan las respuestas en línea, en libros de consulta, y en calendarios y almanaques.

Calendarios para cualquier año
Source Institutions
Este Web site contiene links a 12 calendarios (12 meses). Cada mes contiene actividades sobre matemáticas.
Soaring Towers: Building with Recycled Materials
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will build the highest tower they can out of recycled materials.

Twelve at a Time
Source Institutions
As learners play this game, they build skills in area, perimeter, multiples and factors. They take turns making rectangles with 12 squares on the grid.

Cuatro en Línea
Source Institutions
¡Este juego de estrategia tiene reglas sencillas pero puede ser un reto! Los jugadores empiezan con una red de hexágonos vacía. En su turno cada jugador pone su inicial en un hexágono vacío.

Source Institutions
Los jugadores toman turnos para añadir figuras de tres cuadrados a la cuadrícula. Intenten encajar sus figuras en la cuadrícula de modo que bloquee al otro jugador.
How Many In a Minute
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will keep track of how much they can do in one minute. Instructors can pick something everyone will do for a minute, such as jumping up and down or drawing stars.

Piles of Paper: Estimate Paper Use
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners keep track of how much paper the group uses in a week. Build awareness of paper waste, while strengthening measurement and estimation skills.

Endurance: How Many Can You Do in a Row?
Source Institutions
Combine math and exercise with this activity. Learners count how many times in a row they can skip rope or throw and catch a ball.
Special Snack: Budgeting for Health
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will plan a snack within a budget. With a $20 limit (theoretical) to spend on snack for everyone, learners look over grocery store circulars and make their shopping lists.
Is It Possible: Estimating Measurement
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will decide together on a question about how far, long or high the group could reach together.
Six Squares: Geometry and Design
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners take a turn contributing a closed figure made of six squares to a large grid; each must be different from all the others on the grid so far.
Mystery Jars: Estimate Contents
Source Institutions
This activity puts a mathematical twist on the familiar “guessing jar.” No guesses allowed, estimates only.