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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13

The Boxes Go Mobile
Source Institutions
Learners display their findings after a study of surface area and volume. They build a mobile to show a commercially available box and a constructed cubical box of the same volume.

A Place in Space
Source Institutions
Learners construct and use a "real" 3D coordinate system out of balsa wood and foam core. They will then be able to locate coordinates in space.

What Trickles Down?
Source Institutions
Learners design their own experiment to explore the permeability of different materials such as soil, sand, gravel, and marbles.

How Fast Can a Carrot Rot?
Source Institutions
Learners design their own experiment to determine conditions that either help or hinder the decomposition of carrots by soil microbes.

New Boxes from Old
Source Institutions
Learners determine the surface area and volume of two identical boxes, and then figure out the dimensions of a cubical box with the same volume.

Map That Habitat
Source Institutions
Historically, sea floor mapping (bathymetry) was done by soundings.

Racing with the Sun: Creating a Solar Car
Source Institutions
Learners use engineering design principles to construct and test a fully solar-powered car. Solar car kits usually include a photovoltaic cell and motor; some include a chassis as well.

Hot Cans and Cold Cans
Source Institutions
Learners apply their knowledge of heat transfer to design two cans - one that will retain heat and one that will cool down quickly.

Sliding and Stuttering
Source Institutions
Learners use a spring scale to drag an object such as a ceramic coffee cup along a table top or the floor.

Wet Pennies
Source Institutions
Learners initially test to see how many drops of liquid (water, rubbing alcohol, and vegetable oil) can fit on a penny.

Balsa Towers
Source Institutions
Learners work in groups to design and build a tower out of balsa wood. As a motivator, they can compete to build a tower with the highest strength-to-weight ratio.

Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor?
Source Institutions
Each learner chews a piece of gum until it loses its flavor, and then leaves the gum to dry for several days.

Energetic Musical Instruments
Source Institutions
Learners design and create musical instruments from common objects; their challenge is to create an instrument that can make three different tones.