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Showing results 1161 to 1180 of 1185

Handwashing Laboratory Activities: Fingerprint Technique
Source Institutions
In this lab (Activity #1 on page), learners compare bacteria growth on two petri dishes containing nutrient agar: one that has been touched by a finger washed only with water and one that has been tou

Rubberband Rockets
Source Institutions
This fun and simple activity is a rubberband rocket design challenge! Learners will explore how tail fins can help to stabilize a flying object, while also exploring potential and kinetic energy.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make a foam packing peanut "flink"--neither float away nor sink--in water. Learners experiment with materials to make a Flinker that "flinks" for 10 seconds.

Take Me to the (Magnet) Races
Source Institutions
In this activity about magnetism (page 11 of the pdf), learners will experiment with magnets to explore how opposite poles attract and similar poles repel in magnetism.

Production of a Gas: Controlling a Chemical Reaction
Source Institutions
Learners mix vinegar and baking soda to produce a gas. With the addition of a bit of liquid soap, the gas becomes trapped in measurable bubbles.

That's the Way the Ball Bounces: Level 3
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners prepare four polymer elastomers and then compare their physical properties, such as texture, color, volume, density, and bounce height.

Knee Jerk Reflex (Patellar Reflex)
Source Institutions
In this quick and simple activity about reflexes (third activity on the page), learners conduct a simple test to explore the knee jerk reflex, typically conducted at the doctor's office.

Finding Fossils
Source Institutions
This activity (located on page 4 of the PDF under GPS: Baby Dinosaurs Activity) is a full inquiry investigation to determine the age of fossils based on where they are discovered.

Growing Plants
Source Institutions
In this "Sid the Science Kid" activity from Episode 107: My Shrinking Shoes, learners observe how plants change as they grow.

Hot Spoons
Source Institutions
In this physics activity (page 2 of the PDF), learners will explore the concept of thermal conductivity and learn the differences between high and low thermal conductivity.

An Object in Motion
Source Institutions
In this physics activity (page nine of the pdf), learners use balloons to explore how a rocket works. It is suggested they also work to see how they can alter the velocity of the rocket.

Source Institutions
What is the optimal environment for hatching brine shrimp? Using a scaffold, learners design and conduct experiments testing the effect of a single abiotic factor on brine shrimp cyst hatch rate.

Flubber: Make a polymer!
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 2 of the PDF) features a recipe to create the stretchy polymer Flubber from Borax detergent, white glue, and water.

Pupil to Pupil
Source Institutions
In this quick and simple activity about reflexes (at the top of the webpage), learners conduct a simple test to explore pupillary response.

The Senses of "Unknown Creatures"
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use earthworms as "unknown creatures" from the South American jungle to find out how animals use senses.

Outbreak!: Investigating Epidemics
Source Institutions
A group of learners simulates the spread of disease by trading slips of paper, one set of which has been treated with a baking soda solution.

Tasty Visions
Source Institutions
In this activity (5th activity on the page), learners explore how what you see influences taste. In experiment 1, learners taste five sodas, one of which is clear soda with orange food coloring.

Plaster Casts
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners combine two substances (plaster of Paris and water) to make a cast of an object's imprint in clay.

Cabbage Chemistry
Source Institutions
In this chemistry activity (page 5 of the PDF), learners make an acid-base indicator using cabbage. Learners then explore how various subtances react with this indicator.

Lift Experiment
Source Institutions
In this experiment, learners investigate how the size of a wing affects lift. Learners count the number of pennies an egg crate plane wing can hold until the plane will no longer fly.