Search Results
Showing results 181 to 200 of 1185

It's a Gas, Man
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover if carbon dioxide has an effect on temperature.

Flashy Fish
Source Institutions
Professor John Endler traveled to Trinidad in the 1970s to study wild guppies. In this activity, learners take part in an online simulation of Endler's work.
Leaves: Extracting Pigments
Source Institutions
In this fun, hands-on autumn activity, learners experiment to discover whether the colored substances in leaves can be separated from the leaves.

Membrane Permeability with Beets
Source Institutions
In this lab exercise, learners explore diffusion, cell membranes and particle size using beets and three alcohols.

Source Institutions
In this chemistry lab activity, learners model the colors of fireworks by burning metallic solutions in a flame and observing the different colors produced.

Cool Hot Rod
Source Institutions
If you have access to a copper metal tube, this activity does a great job demonstrating what happens to matter when it's heated or cooled. This activity requires some lab equipment.

Get the Porridge Just Right
Source Institutions
Learners set up three different bowls, each with a different mass of oatmeal. Learners monitor the temperature of the oatmeal and find that larger masses take longer to cool.

Water Molds (Oomycetes)
Source Institutions
In this laboratory activity, learners use a simple procedure to bait oomycetes from water and/ or soil and then examine these fungus-like organisms with the microscope to see how they look.

Clean Water: Is It Drinkable?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners simulate nature's water filtration system by devising a system that will filter out both visible and invisible pollutants from water.

Big Wave
Source Institutions
This is an activity about waves. Using marbles, paper clips and rubber bands, learners explore how waves behave.

Temperature Time Warp
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the behavior of cold-blooded animals. Learners discover what happens when they change a fly's temperature.

Chemical Change
Source Institutions
In this chemistry activity, learners explore the amount of copper in a new penny. Learners use toilet bowl cleaner to hollow out the interior of a penny with zinc inside.

Forgotten Genius
Source Institutions
This series of chemistry stations is designed to accompany the PBS documentary about African-American chemist "Percy Julian: Forgotten Genius." Each of the six stations features either a chemical or p

Giant Chromosomes: Fruit Fly DNA and You
Source Institutions
Many of the genetic sequences found in the fruit fly genome are similar to those found in humans.

Five-Layer Density Column
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners can create five-layer density columns by employing one of three (or all) methods.

Workin' It Out
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how to stay fit the fun way. Learners participate in three physical activities.
Mix and Match
Source Institutions
In this optics activity, learners explore color by examining color dots through colored water and the light of a flashlight.

What Smart Metal!
Source Institutions
In this activity (pages 3-4), learners investigate the properties of smart materials, which are materials that respond to things that happen around them.

Beginning Statistical Inquiries into the Scientific Method: Jelly-Side-Down
Source Institutions
This activity allows learners to explore the scientific method in an open-ended fashion, using the 4-P Approach to Science Inquiry developed by the University of Wisconsin, Beloit.

How Big is Small
Source Institutions
In this classic hands-on activity, learners estimate the length of a molecule by floating a fatty acid (oleic acid) on water.