howtosmile blog

Got Seaweed?

Whether you're on vacation by the coast or back at school hundreds of miles inland, every day you probably eat foods and use health products made with organisms from the ocean, especially seaweed. 

Whale's Eye View

Photographer Bryant Austin wants people on land to experience what he has seen underwater--the scale and grandeur of whales in the wild. Austin has taken dozens of underwater photographs of different parts of live whales to create full-size,

Penguin Physics

Summer may be sweltering where you are, but in Antarctica, it's winter! (Doesn't that make you feel cooler just thinking about it?) In temperatures as low as minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit, Antarctic Emperor penguins must huddle together in large numbers to stay warm.  

Rocket Launch

The final Space Shuttle mission blasted into space today. Though the shuttle program is ending, rockets will continue to carry all kinds of spacecraft beyond Earth's atmosphere. SMILE has lots of rocket activities—just type the word rocket into the SMILE search window and see!

The Tipping Point of Rocks


“I NEVER thought I could do that!”

Zach Pine has heard that exclamation many times in his work as an informal educator. Not surprising, since Pine continually challenges both children and adults to succeed at something they thought was impossible. What challenge does Pine present his learners? To balance rocks of all shapes and sizes, one atop another in a free form sculpture, without any other means of support like sticks, clamps, or glue.